#CheckinChat & Dumbbells and Drama

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2016

‘Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing!’

That is what passion is! This mantra we eat, drink and breathe! So following our passion of traveling, exploring and sharing travel stories we created Checkin Story. Checkin Story is introducing, for the first time ever, a Twitter Chat to interact, talk, listen and share fantastic travel stories with its followers! What better way to connect with the maximum people in minimum time! Thus a Twitter Chat, #CheckinChat!

For the travel lovers of the world, no need to sweat much for cool travel stories. We have those right here right now!

#CheckinChat welcomes a wide audience for themselves. Travelers, Travel Enthusiasts or Story-tellers are the kind of people we would love to connect with! Be it posts, discussions, pictures, GIFS, audio notes or video messages!

Checkin Story wishes to interact with its community with a sweet enthusiasm, with this Twitter Chat. We will be commencing on the coming Thursday and will continue after each Thursday post that!

Coming to the fabulous part, Dumbbells and Drama is going to team up and host the chat! 💪

Protima Tiwary, the creator of Dumbbells and Drama is an avid writer, Snapchatter, Instagrammer and a Tweeter. Writing, traveling and staying fit are her darling activities which she does religiously, something which is not just fun for her, but for her audience as well! Dumbbells and Drama emerged as an idea over coffee in 2014 and has been marching ahead since! Protima is one awesome traveler with more than awesome travel stories. Be it her previous adventures, food trails or her recent holiday to Puducherry!

Here’s presenting #CheckinChat, for the exotic stories with the added spice of Dumbbells and Drama — that is one tasty combination! Now that is something worth checking out!

Checkin Story wishes to build an amazing community of travelers …

Stay traveling, stay happy! 😃 🌎

See y’ll on #CheckinChat on June 23rd 2016!

PS — Join our Facebook group to stay updated for all the future chats.

