Enriching Travel Photography With Ralph

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2016

Ralph Valesco — A photographer, an entrepreneur, a traveler, an observer, a trainer and a man who spreads and captures smiles everywhere he goes. We got a chance to interview this wanderer while he was on his journey in India.

Ralph gives us a glance at his amazing venture ‘Photoenrichment Adventures’

His favorite subject is ‘People’. The engrossing thing about his pictures is — though they are of simple people, the way his camera captures them, they become special and make us want to live those pictures!

Ralph’s photographs have always been visual delight for the viewers and he very humbly passes on his knowledge to many others through camps, fun tours and training sessions.

From young children in Bhutan to young monks in Cambodia ..Ralph’s connect with the locals is really amazing. Isn’t that the essence of traveling …the real connection with everyone you meet along the way- no matter the language or the region?

Listen to him as he talks about his marvelous journey as a travel photographer and founder of Photoenrichment adventures and also about his webinars and various photography camps…

To know more about Ralph follow him on Twitter & Instagram

Follow Photoenrichment Adventures on Twitter & Instagram to know more details about his work and the upcoming campaigns and tours…

