First eBook Launch — Landsort : Island of Happiness

Soham Sabnis
Checkin Story
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2016

Let me thank…errr… Ok i am nervous! First ebook up on the internet was possible because of so many people. BUT more interesting stories are from Landsort itself.

I and Pratik Gandhi went to Stockholm, this in July 2016 for TBEX Europe . Landsort one day visit was a fam trip organized by the team and Visit Stockholm .

Morning, 9 o-clock the bus with 9 of us, was going to start off for Landsort! I to be very honest, had not read nor heard about the place. Almost, LIKE ALMOST we missed the bus. We were standing at the wrong place, and we saw a energetic young woman running around and asking people where is the bus! We said — HI and found out that she was one of the nine members joining for fam trip! Inma — she introduced! Three of us ran (read really fast) to reach to Radisson Blu Waterfront Congress centre , where our bus was waiting for us. Damn! We made it!!!

It was around 45mins ride by bus. Met Ajay Sood , who happened to be busy speaking with stockholm police. I was shocked to hear his gear being stolen 15mins before the bus start. Please note Ajay is a very renowned photographer. Oh lord — was the only reaction popped in my head. Other fellow bloggers were pep talking and we exchanged greetings as we reached a harbor. Next part of the journey was on boat!

Our boat taking us to the island
On our way
First Glimpse of the island

The island was BEAUTIFUL and that is what the eBook is all about. My 24hrs there and very special moments captured in the form of pictures. Let us go through some of the fun pictures with the Landsort Pre-Fam Gang!

Yes we all were hungry!
On our way to the lighthouse
Ake — who owns a beautiful resort there, taking us around the island

We stayed at this place — →

Ryan clicks selfie from top of the lighthouse
Heidi clicking Skye and Maria :)
Some people having fun, as seen from the top! We waived!
Ake explaining us importance of the Lighthouse — during the world war
Cute little ice-cream shop next the lighthouse.

We had a blast over here. People loved all the ice-creams — READ everyone ate atleast two! Many pictures and yes, snapchat too!

Pratik busy on Snapchat — Dont know what Inma was upto!
Skye enjoying ice-cream | Ajay is eyeing one , i guess
Ryan and Heidi discussing — well — viral posts :)
Skye Clicking his dream

We decided to take a walk back to the restaurant for lunch. ON the way SKYE said I HAVE A DREAM!

Post lunch FUN ride to see the cannon bunkers! Wohoo
Everyone listening to war stories
We enter the bunker
Our guide — retired brigadier sharing awesome stories

Here is a detailed post by Ajay Sood — Bofors Gun — The Inside Story

Me trying to click something in the mirror — inside the bunker.
Sitting inside the bofors — exact point from where we can shoot!
After a superb day out — time for dinner and some champagne . PS This is clicked at 8 pm
Dinner scenes :)
Great view before we headout for midnight coffee :)

Well, this is exactly what happens when I start sharing pictures of this this amazing trip. And hence the eBook! First eBook by Checkin Story | Many more to come. Hope you read the eBook on Landsort and share it with your friends! Keep Traveling, Keep sharing stories!

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Soham Sabnis
Checkin Story

Co-Founder @checkinstory | Running #EarnBlessings #PhotoMitra and @Digiwale