Glimpses Of Karen’s World Of Travel

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2017

Traveling the world is happiness in itself. In this fun episode our guest Karen Warren talks about her journeys.

She has traveled to Italy and France and has loved every bit of those trips, hence in this episode she makes sure that even we book our tickets …Karen gave us some amazing reasons why these two beautiful places should be on our bucket list and also spoke about some great dishes there. (you gotta listen to it to know it)

While talking about all these things Karen takes us back to the days when she started traveling full-fledged and also talks about what pulled her in this amazing world of travel.

Karen has also captured her journeys in her beautiful blog World Wide Writer.

Karen loves making friends along the way… isn’t it great to have people by our side, especially when you have met them in one of your fun journeys? Living the experience is the primary thing and as Karen says “The more you travel the more you will like to travel”. Traveling is a never ending process, once the bug bites you. You are affected for life, plus who would not want to get bitten by this bug! Karen very aptly says, “Every time you tick one place off the bucket list you add two more to the bottom”.

Karen talks about some of her favorite travel apps and also gives us some amazing blogging tips. In this episode she has also spoken about her fun experience at TBEX Stockholm and also given us some travel budget tips.

So all you guys who have their heart in traveling ..listen to this traveler’s story and fall more in love with the world of Travel..

To more about her you can follow her on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.

