Ladies — Holiday In Paris.

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2016

There are only two places in the world where you can live happily…… at home and in Paris, said Hemingway aptly.

Paris being the most beautiful city in the world is the favorite destination for couples to be on a romantic holiday. But if you are among the ones who wants to look beyond the stereotyped notion and explore this city solo, it has varieties to humble even your needs ……

Here are some does and don’ts you should follow on when on a solo trip to Paris ….

1) Get around with lighter luggage …..

Bring slacks and blazers (preferably black) instead of jeans and sweatshirts. Aside from being lighter, they are more in trend. We should keep in mind that it is wise to dress smart in Paris, so you don’t look like a tourist (which helps ward off street scammers, too). Also don’t forget to bring a scarf as it is considered a basic part of any chic Paris woman’s wardrobe. And remember that the less you have to carry, the easier it is to get around the city.

2) Sneak in comfortable shoes …..

Put aside the athletic boots of yours. Wrap your feet around with some great flats or even better to sneak in some fitting comfortable shoes, preferred black, because Paris is best explored on foot.

3) Enjoy the metro rides ….

Your feet will get tired walking the streets and cobblestones of Paris. You might need a ride at some points so it’s best to get a carnet (a packet of 10 tickets) to the Metro. These tickets are also acceptable on buses, trams and the RER train line within Paris.

4) Take local accommodation ……

There are beautiful bed and breakfasts in Paris and these can be great places to make new friends during your travels. If you prefer your own space, you can check out comfortable and affordable apartments to rent instead of staying in a hotel or B&B. There are several areas close to the city center that are more affordable than staying right on the Champs Elysee, such as the Marais or St. Germain.

5) Prefer market places to eat…..

Sitting in a big restaurant can be heavy on the pocket and inclusive of a privacy, instead give a try to the local restaurants in the markets area, with the localities. It can have two plus points. You can enrich your tastes buds with the local Parisian cuisine at a cheaper rate and also make some bunch of new friends there, interacting with new people. This can be relaxing and inspirational, just watching people walk by. There are surprisingly affordable cafes even in the ritziest of areas — and many amazing foods the Paris marketplace.

6) Don’ forget to take a book….

After all it’s Paris you’ve come to visit. So don’t expect yourself exempted from long waiting queues and crowded places. They are a must in Paris. Be it from Eiffel tower to the Louvre, there will be queues. So get your novel to read while waiting and also make sure to download a couple of them in your device.

7) Plan your visits well ……

It’s best to visit the museums in Paris early, as soon as they open, or late on that one day in the week when they are open later than usual. Note that the museums are closed one day a week, usually Tuesday. Ask at your hotel or hostel as they might sell line-skipping passes. Alternately, multi-attraction passes like the Paris Pass usually let you skip the lines too.

8) Surroundings beware …..

While Paris is statistically one of the safest places for women among the major metropolitan areas in Europe, stay vigilant. Stay in well-lit areas when walking alone at night and avoid staying near major train stations like Gare du Nord. Research street scams and where they’re most common before you go, too.

9) Maps to the rescue …..

Carry a map…and look at it beforehand. Gone are the days when travelers had to carry around paper maps, which mark any traveler as a very obvious tourist. This is a boon for solo women travelers. Download a map or guidebook to your phone or device. It’s best to have an idea of where you’re going beforehand, including the Metro stops you’ll need as well as streets you’ll use. But if you’re not sure where you are, check your map.

10) Learn two words: Sil vous plait and Merci …….

The French people love their language dearly and also cherish it. Moreover they are very welcoming to the one’s knowing the same. So why not give it a try. You can try on getting the basic words for eg: Sil vous plait — Please and Merci — Thank you. Try learning some of them and voila there you go …..going gaga over the French capital

Paris is a dream destination to explore. So just keep these tips in mind and go dine in the French style. J 😇

