Perks Of Mountain Biking By Ankit Karki

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2016

How many times have you ignored that itch to go for an expedition with your bike in the mountains? Not anymore. We have someone who would inspire you to just set out. Meet hot adventure buff Ankit Karki for whom mountain biking is that passion that gives an insane amount of adrenaline rush.

Ankit surely feels that there’s no cocktail in the world that gives that real kick other than a sexy bike and great mountains coupled with the roads and picturesque scenery…

A true avid biker at heart, Ankit Karki, in this episode, has shared with us the crazy perks and the little quirks of mountain biking. Being a rider in the urban sense of word, he has covered long stretches in the Himalayas.

Ankit threw light on some details for the amateur bikers out there and also voiced his opinion about Budget Biking!

Biking could be closest to flying in the mountains…the gears give you wings and the fuel , pumps up your soul to go out there and explore the realms of the nature surrounding the mountains…

Ankit’s love for biking in the mountains is infectious … so listen up to this one and get the feel …

Bon Voyage!

