These 8 Reasons Will Convince You To Travel Alone!

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2016
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Who said being alone is scary? If ‘alone’ is associated with ‘travel’ it could be the greatest of things! Traveling alone has gathered a lot of attention in the recent years and we see more and more people doing it regularly. Why? There must be some reason, you think… Not just one, there are lots of reasons!

Here we have 9 Reasons to travel alone-

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1. Planning a trip is easy peezy!

When traveling with your friends or family, you have to be as considerate as hell. This one won’t approve of this, or these travel and accommodation arrangements won’t go with someone’s choices etc etc. but who needs all this drama?

Just go solo! Solo Travel needs minimal planning and what’s more, you can really stick to what you planned and do so!

Gone are the days when planning took up the maximum time!

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2. Much needed ‘ME’ Time

Imagine, you will be miles away from everything! You mom, dad, chaotic siblings and your boss/teacher! Just thinking about it gives so much pleasure, imagine the joy when you are experiencing it for real! After all wouldn’t you want a fabulous alone time with just your precious thoughts?

Your ‘ME’ time will exhilarate, energize you. It will also make you miss your loved ones and vice versa! This is a done deal!

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3. Travel wherever !!!

Friends, family or colleagues…Be it anyone, one thing which they have in common is opinion. Everyone is going to have an opinion on where to travel! Not everyone will zero in on the same destination. In the end, you have to settle on some place you don’t even fancy, instead you end up giving up. The only reason you agree to that place is to be with your friends! But forget all this if you are traveling solo. Each and everything of your choice and your will!

Sounds fabulous, doesn’t it?

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4. Save the Big Bucks!

Big group and big bucks go hand in hand. But worry not, travel alone and your wallet won’t be deprived of its dignity. You will only have to pay for yourself and for whatever you want. You do ’n’ number of things if you are with your spouse, friends or a group! Take a cab, eat in a good restaurant, and book a really nice hotel! Bid farewell to luxuries on a solo travel and keep your money intact!

5. Pumped Up Confidence!

Traveling alone changes you to the core. You meet new people, experience things on your own and deal with situations solitary. That will never happen if you with your friends or family! You will do every activity alone, from day 1(beginning the day you start planning)!

All these activities will make sure your confidence is skyrocketed!

6. Eat, dress, live however !

Yep! Travel solo and your wishes will be yours, always! As stated earlier, when you are alone you can bid farewell to luxuries and do things your way! You can take on the public transport, eat at food trucks or munch on some inviting street food or live in a dorm! Nobody is going to be there to tell you what to do! Or how to do, for that matter!

7. Big time new friends!

Traveling solo has a major perk! You meet lots of new people and make lots of friends! This will never happen when you are with friends or family. When traveling with someone, you tend to ignore the locals and just pay heed to your travel companions! When you are alone, the locals become your travel companions! You make new friends in no time and bond like glue!

You will realize, how under-rated this is once you travel alone!

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8. High Satisfaction Levels!

This is definitely the best part about solo travel, the satisfaction you feel after your holiday! The content you feel after a solo travel will never match with the content whilst with family or friends! You come back a changed person altogether! With all the amazing experiences you have had, with all the new friends you made and the screensaver of the beautiful places you visited, you are never going to be the same!

When you travel alone, you discover yourself…

If you have any cool stories about your solo travel, don’t be nervous to share them! Our comment section is waiting to hear from you!

Click here to listen to some awesome solo travel tales!

