Announcing Marble

Arnaud Schwartz
5 min readJul 1, 2022


Holding or moving money, whether you’re a full financial institution, a crypto company or a marketplace, is a huge challenge. Customers and partners are entrusting you with their assets, but are not willing to part with ease of use or simplicity to safegard it.

Regulators are looking at your practices and risk management to make sure you’re doing the right thing, ready to strike with their mighty hammer if you’re too lax… or unable to prove otherwise.

Fraudster and money launderers are constantly looking at your platform as a huge opportunity to make a LOT of money by bypassing its controls. It’s a full time job, 24/7.

To fight that, rules and detection models are the foundation of sane and safe financial services : every transaction, every account modification could be the ground for a fraud attempt, or worse, help money laundering networks. It protects your company from major losses, your customers from harm, and the financial system as a whole.

In the middle of this, the delicate balance rests in the hands of the financial company : It’s all about setting the right rules : Not too generic to avoid generating too much false positives. Not too specific as you might miss new fraud schemes.

As an illustration, you can imagine a bank user creating a new transfer to a third party. The bank needs to find a way to check if the transfer is legitimate or not. As such, it will probably check a significant set of data to take a decision between allowing the transfer or putting it under review, like :

  • Is it a new beneficiary?
  • Are you emptying your account balance?
  • Is this transfer in line with your usual transfers amounts?
  • Has your behavior changed recently : new password, foreign IP, payin volumes…
  • Is the beneficiary known by the bank
  • etc…

and combine these infos into a score that’ll drive the decision.

Yet it’s a never ending battle, as rules are made to be bypassed, and reactivity to new patterns is key to react timely to new threats, especially now that payments are getting more and more instantaneous.

This challenge has long been fought with tools that are no longer responding to the expectations of a real time finance world :

  • Scenarios, or sequences of rules used to qualify the risk of a transaction, are built using too generic models, generating up to 99% of false positive and significant costs and user frictions.
  • Integrating new rules takes time and rely on scarce tech ressources, leaving criminals one step ahead
  • Results are hard to track, take time to report, and modifications of the rules are hard to assess and decide.

Today, we are excited to announce that Marble is coming out of stealth to become the go-to decision engine for fraud and compliance. Marble is the one tool to build, test, operate and audit your rules and scenarios for fintechs and financial institutions. Not a blackbox where you blindly trust a 3rd party, but the solution to reconcile your customers and your compliance with the most flexible ruleset : yours.

We are committed to help fintechs and financial institutions of all sizes monitor transactions and customer activity to identify suspicious activities, especially fraud and money laundering.

Marble operates on three pillars to help you better serve your customers while upholding the best fraud and AML fighting practices.

Easy to use, without technical knowledge

Our rule builder is super easy. If you can write your rules in plain text, you can do it in Marble. Build complex scenarios in minutes, without relying on your tech ressources and developers. Put the power in the hands of operations, risks and compliance.

Iterate as much as you want to stay on top of new threats, it takes seconds to validate a new rule in production, with the proper rights.

Add new data sources in a few clicks to enrich your decisions and rely on additional data sets to increase your precision.

Perfectly understandable

No more dark algorithmes that no one understands. We’re strong believers that design and readability is an asset when assessing risks. Marble allows you to backtest them in a single click, and provides clear dashboards to assess your activity.

Wether you build them or just check your risk coverage, your scenarios are easy to read and understand, so you can make sure they operate as intended and can show it to the regulator.

Truly reliable

Marble keeps track of every decision taken, every change in the ruleset. Check if your modifications are more efficient, get back in time to see why a specific scenario was triggered, provide a perfect auditability of your risk management to the regulator. All in a single tool.

It allows you to built very detailed scenarios to catch specific fraud patterns while relying on a high availability, fully managed platform. Plus, we’re a french company, headquartered in Paris, using a full EU hosting. Marble is natively built to be GDPR compliant and uphold the highest security standards, to make sure your data are used for running your scenarios, and nothing else.

Juliette, Camille and myself, we strongly believe that risk and business can be reconciled with the right tools, to benefit both the company and its end users. Marble is the risk orchestrator of modern finance, built for that purpose exactly. As fintech and corporate insiders, we lived the struggle to set up a solid and compliant risk department. We suffered from the lack of adaptability of internal tools and from limited view on analytics (which sometimes left us feeling like we were shooting in the dark).

Marble is our answer to enabling risk and compliance teams to create their best risk monitoring scenarios without contraints, for the benefits of the customers and the industry as a whole.

Marble is a company built inside eFounders fintech start-up studio, Logic Founders.

We are looking for talented and ambitious people to join our teams. See our open positions here.

Interested about our solution? contact us here.



Arnaud Schwartz
Editor for

Risk, payment and compliance. Co-founder @ Marble