How A Ten Year Old Lost Her Life To An Evil Stepmother

Mary Holman
Published in
9 min readDec 13, 2021


Emani Gabrielle Moss was only ten years old when she died one of the most painful deaths. However, she was failed by more than one person.

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She was born on the 23rd of April 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia. Unfortunately, her mother was a drug addict and thought the only way her daughter would be safe was if her father, Imani took full custody of her and became her sole legal parent. As a result, she gave her up then completely vanished.

But, unfortunately, she couldn’t be more wrong. Though baby Emani ended up passing at a very young age, she had suffered beyond words.

The Evil stepmom

In 2007 Emani’s father met a woman named Tiffany during one of the church services, and though she was a beauty on the outside, her heart was filled with evil. The two quickly became inseparable, and after only two years of dating, they decided to tie the knot.

That following year the couple was blessed with a bouncing baby boy they named Tristan. However, it wasn’t long until Tiffany’s true colours showed up, but Moss was too blind to see.

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