‘Good Friends’ and Murder Muffins

Aka the ballad of Steve and Bucky. A totally accurate(…ish) summary of Captain America: The First Avenger

Cee R.


Steve and Bucky walking dramatically through a forest after Steve rescued Bucky
Gif: via Giphy

Cast your mind back, back, back, my dearest darling nerdlets, to the year…



And the first Captain America film!


Now, my children, let me teach you the ballad of Steve and Bucky…

⭐ Steve and Bucky grow up in 1920s and 1930s Brooklyn, it’s rough, it’s tough, and it’s a difficult place for two ‘good friends’ to grow up…

(…they’re Gay, Harold. But Disney and Marvel will never allow this.)

⭐ Flash-forward to the 1940s. And Steve is a murder muffin who wants to go fight for his country.



Cee R.

Writer, poet, (book) blogger @ dorareads.co.uk , Queer, weird, & a tad peculiar. Bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @ ko-fi.com/ceearr