
Help Someone Or Something in Any Way You Can

Remember To Give Back

Aziz Patrawala


Whatever you do in life, you can't just take and only take. You must give back in some sort of way. Personally, my way of giving back is through donating to charity. Every couple of months I will pick a dollar amount based on how much I have earned in the past couple of months and donate it to charity. My favorite charity to donate to is the Canadian Cancer Society.

Money isn't the only way to give back, you can give your time, your teachings, you can give back in any way possible, the golden rule is along as you help someone or something you're doing great.

So don't forget to give back


What's your way of giving back? how does it make you feel? Let me know in the responses!

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Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash



Aziz Patrawala

Empowering you to have success, but also happiness and fulfillment