Keep Others In Suspense: Cultivate An Air of Unpredictability

Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2021


Law 17 from the book “48 Laws of Power”

Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

The book 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene provides a guideline on the concept of power, strategy, and influence. Although, critics debated that the book portrays the Machiavellian type of laws. But, the laws merely demonstrate the strategies to gain power and influence in a strategic and composed way. Also, we can utilize these strategies to protect ourselves from those who wish to harm us.

Here, I will discuss Law 17 which can be applied both in our personal and professional life.

Law 17 Principles:

☆ According to law 17, people are generally terrified of uncertain and unforeseen things. This is why unpredictability is essential to gain power. Because it will create fear and confusion which will eventually help you to outmanoeuvre your foes.

Master the art of being unpredictable. If you are too predictable in your actions and behavior then your haters and enemies will easily figure out your motives. But when you are unpredictable, your adversaries will be confused and will be too busy to figure out your next action.

Think like you are playing chess and your opponent is trying to apprehend your next move. Life is not that much different from Chess. Whether…




Ph.D. (Management)| Educator | Content Writer | Writing about things that intrigue my curious mind |