Medium Writers With Under 100 Followers

Let’s pull ’em up!

Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2021


As you know, Medium recently made an update and each writer must have at least 100 followers to join the MPP(Medium Partner Program). Let’s support newbies!

Never forget that every master was once an apprentice!

Please write your names under this post as a comment if your followers are less than 100! I will make a list for you 👊

Medium Writers With Under 100 Followers:

Matty J

Rene Prys

Jordan Wright

Muqaddas Angela

Taha K. Youssef

Farhan Tanvir

Geoffrey Lalloue

Eva Elm

Matthew Christopher Bartsh

Rayne White

Meg Kensington

Renee LIN


Nick James

Michelle Richardson

Maria Kemerling

Lucas Schiavini

Jason Kogan

Devon Developer

Hardik Jain

