NFTs: Meet the Uzbek Artist Hoping for a Better World

Alexandre Lores
Published in
6 min readJul 5, 2022


Hope by Madi Bogdanova

“Being unrecognized is the fear of absolutely every artist. We perceive the world more painfully than other people unfortunately.” -Madi Bogdanova

Art has been known to uplift individuals and whole societies. That’s why I enjoy featuring great artists from around the world.

In this work, I am excited to showcase a new viewpoint. We will meet an artist from a country that you haven’t heard much about if you follow Western news headlines. Through dark times and good, she creates art.

But before we meet Madi, here’s an explainer on what NFTs are if you are new to the subject.

What are NFTs?

Fungible means something that can be easily replaced or that is mutually interchangeable. Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are unique digital signatures recorded on special kind of databased called a blockchain. They are unique tokens that are individual or part of a set of NFTs.

NFTs are different than cryptocurrencies, which are themselves fungible tokens on a blockchain. NFTs display present and past ownership, as well as creation source on a permanent, transparent, decentralized, secure and open-
source database known as a blockchain.



Alexandre Lores

Founder of Director of Blockchain Markets Research for Quantum Economics. Writing about all things Bitcoin, crypto, NFTs and fintech