Using Emojis on Medium💩

Let’s use Medium more effectively ⚡️



Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash

I love to use emoji while messaging in daily life and I thought there would be such a thing on Medium and I researched it for you 😍

Emoji language is universal 👼 You can add a different atmosphere to the stories you write with emojis ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️

What you need to do is to write letters starting with “:” and emoji options will appear 😜


(:heart_eyes:) 😍

(:bride_with_veil:) 👰

(:sunflower:) 🌻

(:joy_cat:) 😹

(:heart:) ❤️

(:smiley:) 😃

(:alien:) 👽

(:tshirt:) 👕

(:imp:) 👿

(:poop:) 💩

(:zap:) ⚡️

(:mask:) 😷

(:baby:) 👶

(:chicken:) 🐔

(:x:) ❌

(:ghost:) 👻

(:jack_o_lantern:) 🎃

(:cry:) 😢

(:crystal_ball:) 🔮

(:kiss:) 💋

(:koala:) 🐨

I hope the emojis are useful to you, I just wrote a few examples 😃 Medium is full of surprises and I think it has a lot of features waiting to be discovered 💛

  • **********************************************Have fun 💋 💋 💋

