Creation Museum Lights Ark In Favor of LGBT Rights

Naomi Winter
Checkmates and Balances
2 min readFeb 25, 2017
Pictured above: an unambiguous message of support

PETERSBURG — Well known young Earth creationist (YEC) group Answers in Genesis has shocked America with a strong declaration that LGBT rights are human rights, using rainbow colors to make their point.

“What with the Trump administration going after transgender people, I’m proud to see local business standing up,” said one local. “It’s really beautiful that they would do this in honor of the LGBT community.”

Young Earth creationists, specifically evangelical Christians, are usually in opposition to LGBT rights. Many local evangelicals are worried about the message this move sends to the youth of Kentucky.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to be spreading sexual confusion to our children using the Ark Encounter,” said local Pentecostal Minister Edmund Roberts. “The Bible is very clear on the sinfulness of the homosexual position. It’s one of the reasons God sent the flood in the first place.”

Nevertheless, Answers in Genesis appears to be standing by its decision, with the rainbow colors lighting up the Ark Encounter for the past several months. CMB asked for and received a statement from the group.

“Answers in Genesis believes in equality and freedom for everyone, regardless of where they stand in life. We believe that love is love and the LGBT community should be affirmed. Answers in Genesis is dedicated to following the messages of Christ, affirming the value in all humanity, and our shared sense of community with one another. We consider ourselves blessed to be able to support our friends in the LGBT community.”

