Checkr Contest: Join us at Grace Hopper!

Krista Moroder
Checkr Engineering
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2019

At Checkr, our mission is to build a fairer future by improving understanding of the past. That means having an employee base which accurately reflects our client and applicant base is a must. We practice and promote Fair Chance Hiring and build expectations for diversity recruiting directly into our company’s quarterly OKRs.

Building a team that celebrates diverse backgrounds, qualities, and cultures goes far beyond hiring, however– it also involves supporting people day-to-day in their roles. Industry data shows that 48% of women in tech feel lack of female mentors was one of the biggest barriers in their workplace and 42% reported a lack of female role models in the field.

Having strong mentors has made an incredible difference to so many of the engineers on the Checkr team, and we’d like to pass our gratitude on to the next generation in tech.

That’s why we’ve decided to create this scholarship for an upcoming or current professional in software engineering to join us at the annual Grace Hopper Celebration! This scholarship includes admission, flights, lodging, and a chance to spend time with the Checkr engineering team from October 1–4th in Orlando, Florida.

This isn’t just an opportunity to attend the conference– it’s an opportunity to spend time with our team and gain a new circle of mentors rooting for your success!

Photo from a recent event with PowerToFly where members of our product and engineering team shared their experiences working at Checkr.

How to Apply

Our engineering team builds software with the goal of improving fairness in employment. To be considered for this scholarship, we want to know what your goal is.

Fill out this form with your information and answer the following question in approximately 600 words or less: How do you currently or hope to leverage technology to give back to your community?

Eligibility Requirements (see Terms and Conditions in the form for more details)

  • Over 21 years old
  • A U.S. resident
  • An upcoming or current professional in software engineering (graduating from a college, university, technical program, or coding bootcamp before the end of 2020)
  • Completed scholarship application form

What the Scholarship Includes

  • One General Admission ticket to the Grace Hopper Celebration from October 1–4th, 2019
  • A round trip ticket from anywhere in the Continental U.S. to Orlando, Florida
  • Hotel lodging for the duration of the convention
  • A chance to spend time and get mentorship from the Checkr engineering team

Due Date: September 20th, 2019 at midnight, PST.

The winner will be contacted by Wednesday, September 25th, 2019.




Krista Moroder
Checkr Engineering

Wisconsin native in San Francisco. Working at the intersection of education, technology, and storytelling.