Idea: 146
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
By. Ian*, Jeff Smith & David Benac

Fractal Science

— A Paid You-Tube Channel For Learning About Science



The following events transpired this evening:
— Jeff started watching a physics documentary about the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
— I mentioned a recent WIRED article about Nima Arkani-Hamed convincing China to build a $10B particle accelerator (roughly 7X more powerful than CERN).
— Ian gave us a layman’s explanation of antimatter.
— Then Ian gave us a layman’s explanation of dark matter.
— Then Ian gave us a layman’s explanation of gravitational lensing.

Then I decided to write this post.

What if there was a paid YouTube channel where I could have cutting-edge science systematically explained to me in layman’s terms?

Kind of like MinutePhysics but higher-end, more well done, more exclusive.

? How much would you pay, as a layman, to actually understand the cutting edge of physics and other scientific research fields, in a time-efficient and enjoyable format
? Can you imagine any scenario in which such understanding would be practical to you (other than to attract members of the opposite sex)
? Is this stuff inherently interesting to you, and why

Personally, I love this stuff and find it totally stimulating and weirdly practical.

Which is strange, because I hated it in school. The evil system does an excellent job of making learning completely miserable.

