Idea: 154
Wednesday, 03 June 2015
By. Francis Pedraza & Ian*

Frost Cube

— Cleans Your Shoes Overnight, Every Night



I was remarking to Ian that I just bought a new pair of Nike shoes. I wear them out so quickly, because I use them every day.

After just one week, they stink. To fix them, I have to throw them in the wash, which is not only a waste of water, it is such an inconvenient process, and you can’t do it every day.

I suppose the alternative is to buy 3 or more pairs of the same shoe, and just alternate. But as a minimalist, this feels neither elegant nor efficient.

What if there was:
— a sleek-looking cube that cost $250
— on the floor of my closet or bedroom
— that I could put my shoes in overnight
— that did some magical high-tech process
— such that when I woke up the next morning, my shoes were clean, stink-free, and felt as restored as possible to factory condition

? Would you buy such a thing? Do you feel this pain point? Is there a market?
? Any guesses on what that “magical high-tech process” could be?
? Any experts you want to ask, feel free to CC them into the thread!

