Idea: 109
Sunday, 19 April 2015
By. Robert Moore

The Writer’s Room

— A Community For Entertainment Creatives



The Writers’ Room is Cheeky but for the entertainment / advertising industry.

Whether it is feature films, commercials, TV shows, plays, books or songs, the entertainment industry could use a version of Cheeky geared specifically at them.

Just like we brainstorm business ideas here with talented people who are able to execute on them, it would be great if there was a similar venue for brainstorming art with people who are capable of bringing it into existence (i.e. production companies, directors, actors, writers, cinematographers) or at least capable of packaging the ideas into a form ready to be produced.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a site called but it doesn’t seem as focused or close-knit as the Cheeky community.

? Is there anything like this already out there?
? Are there any challenges or obstacles that are inherent in this model that isn’t in the Cheeky model?

