Cheeky Unts — 3 Week Later

Cheeky Unts - NFTs
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2021

Time for a quick check-in of where we’re at and where we’re heading.

Team Updates

Buck (Sonk) joined the team as our part-time Community & Marketing Manager and is kicking in doors demanding collaborations and partnerships.

Bradford (Coveysnipes) is manning the socials, annoying everyone in the Twitterverse with his cheeky sense of humour. We’re counting down the day until our account is banned.

Lance (Dev #unt) is putting the final touches on the unt finder for, which will be the foundation for a marketplace one day! find my unt

Gaurav (Py #unt) is making great progress on our open-source Python wrapper for the Cardano CLI, AKA Pydano. We’re already using it for Airdrops, royalties payouts, raffle tokens and are on track for using Pydano to mint the Christmas Unts. Then it’ll be headfirst back into Smart Contracts.

Matt (Pixel #unt), pushing pixels 24/7 creating customs unts, promo unts & Christmas unts.


Jason (Kint #unt) when I’m not producing poorly written Medium articles I’m working on — a merch store, setting up PR for our donations, casino bots on Discord for you gambling degens and trying to work out why Zombie Chains have a floor of ₳ 200?

Cheeky Merch Store

Road Map Update

Is the roadmap below complete? hell no, a lot of work is being done to grow the community and build out tools to make each Cheeky endeavour better than the last one.


Season 1 — Road Trip

  • Release a half-arsed roadmap. ✔️
  • Launched on Oct 21st — 22nd, Minted 4444 Unts️️. ️✔️
  • Watched the floor price go into the abyss. 📉

Donate $50,000 to Aussie Wildlife Charities

PR & kudos for the donations are in the pipeline.

Wicked Unts

  • Free Halloween Drop for the community.✔️


  • 3.5% for holders of 8 or more unts. ️✔️
  • Code is tested and deployed. ✔️
  • Nothing to payout until marketplaces support CIP027 tokens. ❌

12 Unts of Christmas

  • Launching December before the fat man turns up.

Q1 - 2022

Fine Art Unt Collection

  • Exclusive collection for unt holders.
  • Sneak peek coming soon…

Cheeky Unts Marketplace

  • Buy & sell, collect & hold, share & gift.

Q2 - 2022

Season 2 - Pub Crawl

Cheeky Unts are going global after being stuck in Oz in lockdown for the past 2 years.

  • All Awesome Unts get a free S2 unt.
  • The collection will be “community-driven”, more about that later.
  • Aiming to raise $50k for charities again!

disclaimer - roadmap may vary in colour, size and shape wen left out in the sun for too long. 🌞

Closing thoughts

We’ve still got a long journey ahead and we really appreciate the amazing community support we get to keep hammering away, the team and I have learnt a lot past month —

  1. Doing this part-time is a nightmare.
  2. Jailed Unts weren’t such a great idea, for several reasons…
  3. We got super lucky with a great community. Thanks for being Awesome Unts!
  4. Mods are underappreciated.👏
  5. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it almost burnt down in six.
  6. You #unts making us laugh keeps us going.



Cheeky Unts - NFTs

Charity-driven NFT project built on the Cardano blockchain.