Wombat Awareness Organisation

Cheeky Unts - NFTs
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2021

The Wombat Awareness Organisation (WAO), founded in 2006, is a not for profit charity organization that helps bring awareness to the plight of the Southern hairy-nosed wombat. The WAO is located in Adelaide, Australia and focuses its work in South Australia.

The Cheeky Unts community raised $25,000AUD for WOA in October 2021 through the sale of NFTs on the cardano blockchain.

The Southern hairy-nosed wombat is the state animal of South Australia. They are very susceptible to dry weather (something that Australia knows all about in recent years) and have been dying out at an alarming rate. They are comparable to rodent species because of their ‘rat like’ front teeth but are actual herbivores.

What does the Wombat Awareness Organisation do?

The WAO puts their effort into conserving and protecting wombats from the Australian wild. They also operate a large rescue and rehabilitation facility. Their facility is in the middle of the largest cage-free wombat sanctuary in the world.

WAO is committed to providing a better life for wombats. Their mission is focused on the belief that wombats are unique animals that deserve to be protected.

How does the Wombat Awareness Organization protect wombats?

Wombats and the environments they live in are extremely susceptible to changes in weather. The country of Australia has struggled with climate change for decades and this has impacted the ecosystems that wombats live in.

The Southern hairy-nosed wombat thrives in arid environments. Australia has some of the driest states in the world which makes it the perfect place for wombats to live.

But, climate change has impacted Australia worse than almost any other country on earth and this is harming the wombat population by destroying its food sources.

The WAO provides food supplements on a temporary basis to wombats that have had their ecosystem destroyed. They are also working with conservation groups to regrow vegetation that has been destroyed.

They also place rescued wombats in a free-range sanctuary to help with the rehabilitation process. Wombats are a trick species that require a lot of care before they can be released into the wild.

How can I help the Wombat Awareness Organization?

Because the WAO is volunteer-run, every dollar that is donated towards the cause directly impacts the lives of wombats. Donations are the number one way that an individual can help fight for the continuation of the wombat species.

You can join the WAO adoption program and directly impact the life of a single wombat.

The adoption program is an extension of the WAO and you are involved with the decision making process on the care that wombats receive.



Cheeky Unts - NFTs

Charity-driven NFT project built on the Cardano blockchain.