Cheelee Holds a $5M Drop in CHEEL Tokens: the Ultimate Prize for Short Video Lovers

Cheelee | Watch vids — get money
4 min readApr 18, 2023


Ladies and gentlemen, the very day has come: we are starting our legendary community drop, the most generous drop you ever participated in. Cheelee to distribute $5,000,000 in CHEEL tokens among all people who will join this grand event. The rules are as simple as possible: all you need to do is to subscribe to Cheelee socials and try the app: download, sign up, get Starting glasses and do a couple more steps in the same vein. Below we describe what needs to be done in detail.

We are launching the drop today, on April 17th. The asset we are giving away is CHEEL, the Cheelee platform’s native token. CHEEL is the governance token with a limited supply that is already being traded on BitMart and Coinsbit where it increased in price from $0.8 to $9.3 in less than two months from the listing’s start.

The drop will be held on the Zealy platform, which cooperates only with large and reliable projects. Join the drop and get your tokens guaranteed by fulfilling the simple drop conditions.

🎁Reward: $5,000,000 $CHEEL tokens which will be distributed among all participants

⚡️Distribution: within 7 days after the event ends.


What You Need to Do to Join the Drop

The conditions of the drop are elementary. Here’s what you got to do to get a set of prizes and bonuses Cheelee has prepared for you.

  • Subscribe to Cheelee’s social networks — TG, TG Chat, Discord, Twitter
  • Download the app
  • Register an account and connect the wallet
  • Subscribe to the official Cheelee account inside the app
  • Get Starting NFT glasses for free and catch the first box with tokens just for viewing the feed.

If you completed all the tasks, then after the drop ends you automatically receive CHEEL tokens to your internal app wallet.

And also, we got another grand prize for all early birds. You can earn x2 in Cheelee: buy NFT glasses, for example, for 900 USDT and you will get 1800 USDT! No magic, just Cheelee — new level of socials!

About CHEEL Token

CHEEL is the Cheelee platform’s governance token with a limited issue of 1,000,000,000. CHEEL allows you to increase the NFT glasses level. With its help, it will be necessary to vote for introducing new features in the application in the future. You can stake CHEEL receiving passive income and bonuses for it. CHEEL will represent Cheelee on external trading platforms as it will be added to the listings of all major exchanges.

CHEEL is a highly valuable asset whose price is protected from panic sales and draining by investment funds. The funds and team tokens are frozen for two years, so while the project is going through a development phase, there will be no tokens in free circulation. The only exception is community drop, which is frozen for one year, and 6% TGE. This smart solution will ensure the stability of the token exchange rate and the loyalty of investors who will benefit from holding CHEEL.

Community Drop Token Vesting Conditions

Cheelee’s economy is designed in such a way that its assets are not subjected to total drains by market speculators. We want our tokens to be held by members of our community who are interested in the future of the project. The purpose of maintaining and increasing the CHEEL’s value is the vesting period. Vesting is a mechanism for blocking tokens which are frozen on a special “vesting” smart contract for a period predetermined by the project, which is called the vesting period.

TGE (Token Generation Event) is the method by which we distribute tokens to the first owners. In this community drop, TGE will come on May 31, when 6% of the tokens will go to their owners. Then there will be a lock for 4 months, after which 2.61% of tokens will be unlocked every month until they all end up in your wallets.

Hurry up!

Isn’t it pleasant to check your balance and watch your token portfolio grow? This is what the Cheelee community is already doing, for CHEEL went up 10 times since it started being traded. If you want to get profit from your everyday leisure activity, i.e. watching your favorite videos, then Cheelee gives you this opportunity. Do you think you’re the only one who wants this? Of course, you don’t, for there are billions of people all around the world who will like this app and join Cheelee’s generous drop. So don’t waste your time and have your crypto gem guaranteed — remember, this token is gonna become a sort of a new bitcoin in the GameFi world, for its target audience is half of all people living on our planet! We’re waiting for you!

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Cheelee | Watch vids — get money

Cheelee is a short video SocialFi platform that rewards users for watching the feed.