Cheelee: The Turning Point In The History of Social Media

Cheelee | Watch vids — get money
3 min readJan 6, 2024

Hello, everyone. How has your 2024 started? This year, social media turns 180. No kidding! This industry’s history is so long and exciting that we can’t help telling you some details about its development. Let’s explore them together and point out why Cheelee is its new turning point!

Before Vids: The Brief History Of Social Media

Though Gen-Z youngsters are widely regarded as the “first-ever generation born in the social media era”, our ancestors can also relate. On May 24, 1844, the first ever electronic message was sent. Years passed, the internet basics were developed, and, in 1969, the first-ever digital network, ARPANET was launched to help scientists share software, hardware, etc.

In 1987, the more “contemporary” digital network, the NSFNET, appeared, and, just 10 years later, in 1997, the first social media platform, Six Degrees, was introduced. Being a visionary project, it failed but encouraged developers to polish its mechanics and introduce more relevant projects. As a result, in 2001, the platform called Friendster managed to attract millions of users. However, it was Myspace (created in 2003) that let people highlight their music preferences and became the first viral social network in 2006. Launched in 2004, Facebook changed the game in 2008, by enabling people to share more content in a more user-friendly way.

The same time period was also marked with the introduction of Reddit (2005) and Twitter (2006). Their (predominantly) laconic textual formats fit the audience. Meanwhile, it demanded more visuals, and its needs were met with projects like Instagram (2010) and Pinterest (2010). All the platforms gained much recognition and even contributed to the Clip Thinking phenomenon. Due to instant digitalization and the huge amount of data online, modern users are more receptive to short content representation. We will discuss it in detail in one of the upcoming articles, and now, let’s highlight the main consequence of the shift: people worldwide fell for short vids.

The Vids Epoch: The Rise Of TikTok

Founded in 2011, Snapchat paved the way for the short video concept. Users got a chance to exchange laconic content in a creative way. The project inspired multiple founders. Some of them united to bring revolutionary TikTok to the world in 2016. The platform got so big that it entirely changed the industry, motivating other companies to introduce similar formats. The key benefits of the app included its convenience, a huge audience, and algorithms that helped users gain popularity.

Could a new project compete with TikTok? Numerous similar startups were shaped, each with its distinctive features. Some offered next-gen filters, some implemented gamification aspects, and some — introduced unconventional visual solutions. However, none of the projects had enough unicity to treat users with something high-key extraordinary and retain them. So, Cheelee is likely to become the first successful game-changer.

Cheelee: Сhange of Priorities

What makes Cheelee this special? Unlike other short video platforms, this project doesn’t give users random content or ethereal social-media-related benefits only. The app goes beyond the typical value proposition and provides its audience with high-quality feed and material profits.

The Cheelee’s team explored the market and discovered that social media companies earn millions of dollars thanks to their users, but don’t share anything with them. In other words, people waste their time online without any revenue. We found a legit solution and launched a project that combines the best features of short video platforms with the snatched opportunity to get profits any user can enjoy. All one needs is to scroll the feed!

With Cheelee, you can share your fav type of content and watch engaging works of other creators without any “wasting”. Instead, you will be gaining money and having fun. So, make the most of it and stay tuned for other DOPE articles!



Cheelee | Watch vids — get money

Cheelee is a short video SocialFi platform that rewards users for watching the feed.