5 Ultimate Reasons Why You Should Write Fast

They’re all about discovering the fun, the pleasure in the process.

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Cheerleading for Writers
10 min readAug 11, 2020


Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

If you read any of my articles on Self-Gamification, which is the art of turning our lives into fun games, you would have seen that I am a big fan of kaizen. Kaizen is breaking challenges into small digestible ones and also making progress in small steps.

I wrote articles about slowing down and how that slowing down helps us accelerate the process of whatever we might be up to.

But here comes the seeming paradox. I am also a big fan of writing fast. I became one since testing it at the end of 2019 and practicing it on at least parts of the five books I wrote and published since then and until June of this year. I also use the approach of writing fast for many of my articles, including this one.

You might find it strange that I urge both slowing down and doing something fast. But there is no conflict in that. Let me explain.

I think you need to break everything into the smallest steps, and if you don’t have a deadline or it is not that urgent, then make just one or a few steps in that project every day. With that, you will stop resenting the task and start enjoying the process because it will become effortless to achieve.



Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Cheerleading for Writers

Life gamer, life coach, author, engineer; originator of Self-Gamification — an art of turning life into fun games → optimistwriter.com