What Do Libel and Liability Have to Do with a Writer’s Life?

To worry or not to worry how our writing might affect others?

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Cheerleading for Writers
6 min readJun 11, 2021


This article is an excerpt from my book Cheerleading for Writers: Discover How Truly Talented You Are. The chapter titles in this book follow the letters of the alphabet. That is why almost every time I began writing a new chapter, I searched in various glossaries first for words starting with that next letter.

Liability caught my eye when I looked for words starting with an L. I wondered how I could write something cheerful and motivational for my fellow writers about liability.

The word life, I thought, is different. You can show positive things about life, but how do you show something positive about liability?

It was an interesting challenge. And both words life and liability started dancing in my head.

At first, I didn’t know how to approach these two notions. A wish to address them, as well as thoughts of taking responsibility for what we do as writers, began to emerge, just as it did when I wrote the chapter about knowledge (see this article below).



Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
Cheerleading for Writers

Life gamer, life coach, author, engineer; originator of Self-Gamification — an art of turning life into fun games → optimistwriter.com