CheersLand Announcing New Tier System for IGOs

Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2022

Dear Community, CheersLand team attached great importance to investor sentiment and we value your feedback and opinions above all else. Today, we’re thrilled to announce that we have optimized the Tier system for upcoming IGOs in CheersLand through full communication with the community.

The details about the new tier system and how to participate are as follows:

CheersLand will launch a Whitelist Farm Pool (Rewards for long term and with Unstaking fees: 10% of 10 days) for the new tier system and users need to Buy and Stake the minimum amount designated for their desired Allocation Tier before the IGO Snapshot is taken.

New Tier System

🍻 80% of total IGO allocation will be shared by qualified CHEERS stakers and the allocations will be divided according to the proportion of tickets.

Tip: All tickets here means assured allocations. So 5000 CHEERS = Assured Alloctation.

🍻15% of total IGO allocation will be shared by whitelisted gamers of Ranking List in CheersLand Games.

🍻 5% of total IGO allocation will be used in gleam campagins.


A new project X will be listed IGO on CheersLand on the 20th of Jan. and its allocation is 50,000 BUSD in total.

CheersLand will take snapshot on Whitelist Farm Pool on the 19th of Jan. and if we get 200 Guardians, 100 Crusaders, 50 Archons and 10 Legends.

👉Total tickets are 200*1+100*4+50*10+10*15=1,250

👉We have 50,000*80%=40,000 BUSD in qualified CHEERS stakers.

👉Each ticket stands for 40,000/1250=32 BUSD allo, which means, Guardian get 32 BUSD, and Crusader get 128 BUSD, and Archon get 320 BUSD and Legend get 480 BUSD in allo.

Whitelist Farm Pool wil be launched soon and we appreciate that if you can share more feedback. To compensate our Loyal Stakers, CheersLand has decided to airdrop $CHEERS tokens to each user based on CHEERS Points. More details will be announced soon and keep tuned!

About CheersLand

CheersLand is a scalable GameFi Metaverse Aggregator where anyone can monetize their gaming experiences and social networks. CheersLand runs the Game-as-a-Service model, dual-driven in Play to Earn and Build to Earn, with the product portfolio of Gamified Launchpad, Multi-game Universe, Multi-asset Staking Platform and NFT Market, and powered developing new users by the invitation mechanism, which builds a unique and diversified GameFi ecosystem.

Now CheersLand has launched the 2 classic games, Crypto Pirates and Click². Click here and connect your BSC wallet to play and earn! Let’s go!

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