CheersLand: Redefine a cheerful world with GameFi

Published in
9 min readSep 12, 2021

Official CheersLand Pitch Deck, last updated Nov. 2021

What is CheersLand

CheersLand is a scalable GameFi universe where anyone can monetize their gaming experiences and social networks.

CheersLand runs the Game-as-a-Service model, dual-driven in Play to Earn, and Build to Earn, with the product portfolio of Gamified Launchpad, Multi-game Universe, Multi-asset Staking Platform and NFT Market, and powered developing new users by the invitation mechanism, which builds a unique and diversified GameFi ecosystem.

A detailed video commentary about what is CheersLand👇

Use cases of CHEERS

The CHEERS token is the native utility token of CheersLand GameFi Universe. The use cases of CHEERS are as follows:

  • Staking: CHEERS stakers, as an identity in the CheersLand ecosystem, will earn CHEERS rewards and farm multi-assets on CheersLand.
  • Governance: By governance voting, CHEERS holders will have an influence on the crucial aspects of CheersLand development such as staking yield, projects listing on IGO, games onboard, buyback & burn percentage etc..
  • Incentive: CHEERS will act as the main incentive for gamers participating in Weekly Tournaments and Ranking List, as well as builders participating in the development of games based on CheersLand.
  • Ticket: CHEERS will be used to determine eligibility for participation in Initial Gaming Offering (IGO) or certain sales/auctions conducted by the CheerLand team.
  • Payment: CHEERS will be accepted as universal currency within CheerLand NFT Market. Commodities in the ecosystem will be priced and traded with CHEERS as the unit.
Use cases of CHEERS

Current features of CheersLand

  • Metaverse Aggregator: All users (investors, players and game builders) will be rewarded for their engagement in the Metaverse Social Pad of CheersLand (will be launched end of Dec.)
  • Multi-game Universe: CheersLand powers all classic games with Blockchain and GameFi and rewards users for their engagement. Users can play and build games to become the beneficiaries and the owners of the ecosystem.
  • Initial Gaming Offering: The gamified launchpad for startups is named Initial Gaming Offering (IGO) in CheersLand, which can also provide them with advertising and promotion services in the game beside raising capitals.
  • Play to Earn: Gamers can get the rankings on Ranking List by playing games and get diversified rewards for their engagement.
  • Invitation Mechanism: Gamers can use the exclusive link to invite friends through social networks in CheersLand to earn HPs together.
  • Multi-asset Staking: CheersLand can support all tokens on BSC (other chains in the future) and creates gamified utility for these tokens. Gamers can stake designated tokens to earn HP and get more chances to win the games while receiving rewards.
  • Optimistic Governance: CHEERS holders will be able to decide the future of the CheersLand ecosystem. All the revenue generated by CheersLand will be placed in the Community Vault governed by the CHEERS holders once the network has become sufficiently decentralized.
  • Build to Earn: Game builders are allowed to use CheersLand API to launch the games and share the economy to earn rewards.
  • NFT Market: Users can mint NFTs of in-game items and trade them in NFT Market, including Pass Card, VIP Seat, LP Miner, etc..

Key metrics and tokenomics (as of Nov. 10th 2021)

♦Token Sale

The hard cap of CHEERS in token sale is $2,640,500. CheersLand is planning to raise it from strategic investors and launchpads. The details are as follows:

♦ CHEERS Allocation

As time passes, all allocations that initially are managed by the CheersLand team and foundation will be integrated into the CheersLand DAO and CHEERS holders will be able to vote on decisions about using them. These allocations are something that could potentially be decided by governance over time.

♦ Unlock Schedule

CHEERS will be unlocked in a predetermined schedule which lasts for 64 months from the public sale.

♦ Usage of Fund Raised

The CheersLand team will prepare yearly statements that include a high-level overview of what the funds have been used for to make the usage clear.

The principles for the usage of fund raised are as follows:

  • Clear value added to the CheersLand community.
  • KPIs and goals that unlock funds (if applicable).

Recent news

August 2021: Completed the audit report from

August 2021: Launched the official website of CheersLand.

September 2021: Launched CheersLand Whitepaper V1.0.

September 2021: Launched the first Classic Mini Game Crypto Pirates.

September 2021: Got listed in Accepted Grant Applications of Web3 Grant Program.

September 2021: Launched Multi-asset Staking Platform.

October 2021: Listed $BNB, $AXS, $CAKE, $ ALICE, $TLM, $BSCS, $BABY etc. on Multi-asset Staking Platform.

October 2021: Completed the audit report from Certik.

October 2021: Entered into Binance Most Valuable Builder III Program.

October 2021: Got listed in Accepted Dev Grant Applications of Dfinity Foundation.

October 2021: Launched the gamified launchpad and the mining farms of CheersLand.

♦ November 2021: Listed $BNX, $RACA, $BRY, $METAX, $OLIVE, etc. on Multi-asset Staking Platform.

♦ November 2021: Open Farm Pools for TFI/TFI, METAX/METAX, and TFI/BNB-Cake LP/TFI.

November 2021: TVL of Farm Pools reached $2M+, and TVL of multi-asset staking platform reached $150k+ every day.

November 2021: The total number of on-chain gamers on Crypto Pirates reached 6000+.

Existing products

CheersLand GameFi Universe is composed of multi-game combinations, Ranking List, Initial Gaming Offering (IGO), NFT Market, Multi-asset Staking Platform, etc..

♦ Multi-game Platform

CheersLand designed Play to Earn mode and Build to Earn mode, forming a complete incentive scheme for CheersLand Multi-game Universe.

CheersLand launched the first Classic Mini Game, Crypto Pirates, based on the principle of simplicity and ease to play, and it’s in early access. Click here to read the gameplay of Crypto Pirates.

The CheersLand team plans to launch Click Click, Gold Miner, Block Builder and other classic games in the next few quarters.

The advantages of multiple-game combinations are as follows:

  • Satisfy the preferences of multiple user groups
  • Relieve the fatigue of players and enhance User Stickiness
  • Resonate between games with common in-game items
  • Provide more commercial scenarios

♦ Ranking List

Ranking List is the leaderboard sorted by the games’ scores. The current rankings only show the top 100, which means the scarcity of seats.

The smart contract of CheersLand will automatically record the player’s scores in the game. Different games will adopt different scoring formulas. Taking Crypto Pirates as an example, the scoring formula is:


Scores refer to the gamer’s effective scores only including the total scores of the levels passed by the gamer.

CT refers to the Coins Touched of each level and Coins are the in-game items.

DP refers to the Difficulty Points of each level and it’s set to a linearly increasing sequence.

Ranking List can reflect the engagement of gamers to a certain extent. It is an effective way to rank and screen users, and also an important indicator for evaluating user value to the network. It is worth mentioning that the ranking will be dynamically changed and updated at all times, which means that all gamers will always be in competition.

♦ Initial Gaming Offering (IGO)

Startups can submit project information to apply for IGO. In the early stage, the CheersLand team will serve as the main jury to evaluate the projects and decide whether to list their IGOs.

In addition to raising capitals for startups through IGO, CheersLand can also provide them with advertising and promotion services in the game.

♦ Multi-asset Staking Platform

The CheersLand team has completed the development of the Staking Contract, allowing players to stake tokens on Multi-asset Staking Platform to earn HPs which can be used in the games.

Multi-asset Staking, as one of the important features of the CheersLand ecosystem, originally realizes the business model of Staking to Play and Earn. Multi-asset Staking also provides gamified token use cases for holders and stakers of other crypto projects to activate their engagement, and attract them to the GameFi Universe and accrue value to the network.

Currently, Multi-asset Staking Platform supports all assets on Binance Smart Chain and will integrate other blockchains in the future. In the next stage, Various staking products with different staking caps, different staking durations and different prizes will be launched to provide users with more options.

♦ NFT Market

CheersLand will provide NFT Mint tools for game builders to tokenize the game items used in the ecosystem and list them on the NFT Market for trading.

NFT assets in CheersLand include Pass Card, VIP Seat, LP Miner and other in-game items, some of which can be staked to farm in Multi-asset Staking Platform. Also they will be taken to Weekly Tournaments as optional rewards.

As the NFT Market grows, some gamers on Ranking List will be allowed to mint and list NFTs for trading as the creators under the standards of CheersLand.

CheersLand NFT Market will take resale royalties and service fees. Resale royalties are used to incentivize NFT creators, which are initially set to 10%. The initial service fees are set to 1%, and a portion of all NFT Market service fees will be shared with the CheersLand Community Vault. Eventually both resale royalties and service fees will be decided by CHEERS holders through governance voting.

Technical architecture

An overview of the overall CheersLand technical architecture is shown below:

Revenue Streams

CheersLand runs the Game-as-a-Service model with GameFi as the core, where new features will be introduced over time.

The main revenue streams of CheersLand are spread over Initial Gaming Offering (IGO) service fees, ads and marketing fees, multi-asset staking charge, NFT item sales and NFT Market service fees.

The Community Vault will be built and begin to accumulate fees in late 2021 once the network has become sufficiently decentralized. All the fees and revenue generated by CheersLand will be placed in the Community Vault which is governed by the CHEERS holders.

Project team

CheersLand is being developed by a professional team with extensive experiences across blockchain, DeFi and gaming. The founding team consists of the following individuals:

♦ Peter Lim — Technical Partner, Linkedin/GitHub

♦ M.Joesph Cheung — Strategic Partner, Linkedin/Telegram

♦ Janna Ding — Head of Growth, Linkedin/Telegram

♦ Serhat Yanar — Business Partner, Linkedin/Telegram

♦ Francis Dhun — Advisor, Twitter/Telegram

♦ Matthew Graham Kay — Advisor, Telegram

Roadmap, updates, and business development

Now CheersLand has launched the first classic game, Crypto Pirates. Click here and use your BSC wallet to play and earn! Let’s go!

Stay updated on the CheersLand’s progress by following on social media channels and communities.

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