Welcome to CheersLand and join the INO!

Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2021

Dear Community, we’ll glad to announce that CheersLand is going to bring its first INO (Initial NFT Offering) campaigns to all of you, based on Galaxy Space👉CheersLand | Project Galaxy>>. Details are as follows:

Campaign 1: Hello CheersLand!

The NFTs launched by CheersLand is called CHEERS Daily NFTs, with a total of 8,000, consisting of 6 different NFTs, which are CHEERS Monday, CHEERS Tuesday, CHEERS Wednesday, CHEERS Thursday, CHEERS Friday and CHEERS Weekend.

Each NFT will be randomly stored in each mystery box.

CheersLand will take a snapshot of all holders’ addresses on 👉 bscscan.com, every Monday during the campaign:

⏰10:00 AM 21/12/2021–10:00 AM 01/05/2022 UTC

💰Total amount of CHEERS Daily NFTs available: 8,000

Which means, CheersLand will take a snapshot on the 20th of Dec., 27th of Dec., 3th of Jan., 10th of Jan., 17th of Jan.,and 24th of Jan..

All users who hold more than 3000 $CHEERS tokens will get whitelisted, and will get a chance to draw the mystery box for once (once every week).

1 — Since CheersLand only takes a snapshot of all holders’ addresses on
bscscan.com, so $CHEERS stakers won’t be counted. You’d better hold 3000+ $CHEERS in your wallet before the snapshot in order to get your address whitelisted.
2 — From Dec. 21, 2021 — May 1, 2022, every Monday there’s a snapshot happened, which means that each address will keep getting whitelisted every week.

Campaign 2: Daily Mystery Box Shop!

you might open the mystery box and draw any of the 6 CHEERS Daily NFTs, including CHEERS Monday, CHEERS Tuesday, CHEERS Wednesday, CHEERS Thursday, CHEERS Friday and CHEERS Weekend. If the CHEERS Daily NFT you draw is not what you want, you can transfer it to someone else or sell it directly in the market (Treasureland).

Even if you are not whitelisted, you can buy a mystery box and draw NFT by spending 300 $CHEERS at CheersLand Daily Mystery Box Shop page.

Once you collect all 6 CHEERS Daily NFTs finally, you can forge the final Grand CheersLand NFT at the forging campaign page. All Grand CheersLand NFT holders will get huge profits such as the distribution from the sale inflows of CheersLand Daily Mystery Box Shop this time, CheersLand IGO whitelist forever, irregular Airdrop and so on.

⏰10:00 AM 21/12/2021–10:00 AM 31/01/2022 UTC

💵Price: 300 $CHEERS / CHEERS Daily NFT

Campaign 3: Grand CheersLand NFT!

So you’ve collected all 6 CHEERS Daily NFTs right now? Congrats! You can burn them over at Grand CheersLand NFT page to forge the final Grand CheersLand NFT, which will bring you huge profits such as the distribution from the sale inflows of CheersLand Daily Mystery Box Shop this time, CheersLand IGO whitelist forever, irregular Airdrop and so on.

Please note that there are only 160 Grand CheersLand NFTs in the world!

⏰10:00 AM 21/12/2021–10:00 AM 31/12/2022 UTC

🔒Hard Cap of Grand CheersLand NFT: 160

Grand CheersLand NFT holders will share 80% of CheersLand Daily Mystery Box Shop revenue equally. CheersLand will open the exclusive NFT farm pool for all Grand CheersLand NFT holders, and the total rewards of farm pool will be the 80% of CheersLand Daily Mystery Box Shop revenue. The pool is expected to open after May 1st.

Campaign 4: CheersLand NFT Designer!

Are you good at visual design and drawing? Do you have any good idea about CheersLand NFT? Don’t hesitate to share your design work about CHEERS Daily NFTs (Monday to Weekend) and Grand CheersLand NFT with us before the 18th of Dec.! Feel free to send Email and attach your work to info@cheersland.org, or pin the Telegram Handle @cheersjanna.

We’ll select more matching works, and announce them on the official Twitter on the 18th, and initiate a community vote to finally confirm the NFT we used in this INO. Artists shortlisted for their works will get 3 chances to draw mystery boxes, and the one artist whose works are chosen in the end will get 6 chances to draw mystery boxes.

⏰10:00 AM 12/12/2021–10:00 AM 18/12/2021 UTC

🖊 Send your NFT design work to info@cheersland.org or Pin Telegram Handle @cheersjanna.

⏰10:00 AM 18/12/2021–10:00 AM 20/12/2021 UTC

🌌Community votes on Twitter for the most matching NFT works for this INO Campaigns.

About CheersLand

CheersLand is a scalable GameFi Metaverse Aggregator where anyone can monetize their gaming experiences and social networks. CheersLand runs the Game-as-a-Service model, dual-driven in Play to Earn and Build to Earn, with the product portfolio of Gamified Launchpad, Multi-game Universe, Multi-asset Staking Platform and NFT Market, and powered developing new users by the invitation mechanism, which builds a unique and diversified GameFi ecosystem.

Now CheersLand has launched the 2 classic games, Crypto Pirates and Click². Click here and connect your BSC wallet to play and earn! Let’s go!

Stay updated on the CheersLand’s progress by following on social media channels and communities.

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