5 Key Steps for Building the Next-Gen App

Anshu Kumar
3 min readOct 15, 2018


Mobile phones have been an appendage to us, and it’s more than just a communication device today. For most smartphone users, the mobile phone has become a personal companion. A companion that can do all your tasks, remind you to drink water or inform you when the next season of GoT is ready for streaming!

The mobile phone is not just a device of convergence, it’s essentially your key to the future.

I’ve always believed that experience plays a significant role in how we interact and communicate with technology. Back in 2007, Apple surprised the world with the first ever game-changing iPhone. For devices that still relied on physical keyboards and unwieldy user interfaces, the iPhone re-invented the phone experience with simple touch gestures and an intuitive user interface. The first iPhone represented the cutting edge of technology and it’s no surprise that experience still holds the key to building a successful platform.

Since the era of smartphones, there has been a distinct shift and emphasis on building an experience rather than a product. With the widespread adoption of smart devices and platforms, the trend of ‘app culture’ has been on a steady rise. With a plethora of options for apps available for almost every task, app developers today face an uphill battle for screen time and shelf life!

What makes a REALLY great app?

In this era of connectedness and hyper-personalization, users are spoiled for choice and have a plethora of options available. There has also been a considerable shift in expectations from the users. Users have become overly demanding and do not have the patience or tolerance for apps that don’t fit the bill! As a developer, it’s easy to be blinded by ‘improvements’ that often hinder the design and functionality of the app. It’s not uncommon to see developers working on a great idea, only for it to be ruined by poor execution and development.

If you’re building your first ever app, here are a few quick tips to keep to help you get started!

Value proposition

Before you begin, make sure you have clarity for the purpose of the app. If you’re not too sure about this, have a look at the competition and try to build a pattern on how they approach a problem and create value for the product. A pioneer in music streaming, Pandora was late in bringing a premium subscription-based music streaming service to the game. As a result, Pandora was unable to play catch up with competitors like Spotify and iTunes.


The makings of a great app are always tailored to the user. There’s always something engaging for a user when the app makes them feel like they’re a valued user. The mobile phone is a personal device, and everything on the phone is personal to the user, then why not the app? Find the core value of the app, cut the clutter and make this offering flawless.

Privacy first

How do you engage with the user and how often? Do you recognize the user’s privacy? These are some questions that are critical when building an app. Like every profession and domain that follows ethics, as developers; we’re the torchbearers in building an app that’s secure and protects the privacy of the users.


You worked hard to build an app, and it’s finally live now! What’s next? Most app architects fail to see the scalability of the app and leave it to the business development team to take over. But there’s always one idea that can be the real game-changer! Think about how you can envision the app in the next 6–12 months and keep adding new layers and functionalities to your app. Imagine having the ability to connect to a larger IoT ecosystem or even leveraging AI in the app. The possibilities are endless!

Evolution is an ongoing process

Listen, learn and improve. Keep looking for that little scope of improvement, listen to your users and learn to engage with them in fun and new ways! Lastly, don’t forget to take feedback!

Building a great app is not just about developing an agile app, it’s also about building to sustain.

Good luck!

