Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your Food!

Anshu Kumar
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2018

The Elixir of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been driving the most significant turnaround in technology in the recent years. The undulating impact of AI can only be billed as an impetus for developing industries including healthcare, retail, transportation and, most recently — the food industry.

While the food industry is ripe for innovation from the tech industry, the adoption rate has generally been relatively slow. With the advent of AI, the food industry can leverage machine intelligence to speed up productivity and development. Whether it’s human resources, logistics or customer experience, AI is the new force driving the change of opportunity and convergence.

AI has also been incredibly incremental in helping companies progress beyond the conventional norms of the foodservice industry. Among the few to lead the way is Creator. Located in the midst of a busy San Francisco street, Creator is a one-of-a-kind restaurant that brings the best of automation with top-tier culinary expertise. The result? It’s mind-blowing. Creator achieves the goal of automating specific food prep tasks that can be done faster, cheaper, and more consistently with machines. But the best outcome of this venture is how machines can simplify the whole cooking process yet still deliver the same consistent taste and experience!

But Can AI Help Me Make Better Food Choices?

People have always been picky eaters. The myriad of food choices at our fingertips today makes it difficult for the average Joe to choose an ideal food option. There has also been a shift in how we narrow down on our options. While the same can be credited to our rather busy lifestyle, what and how we cook has seen a bit of a makeover in the recent years. People now prefer cooking dishes that are quick, easy, and healthy more frequently than complex recipes that require extensive cooking skills.

This is where AI can step in to help those unfamiliar with the kitchen make better food choices. The complex problem of what to eat can be broken down to accommodate different characteristics of food preferences personalized to each individual by using AI and machine learning. Information blocks on food patterns, user food-eating behaviors, and caloric value can help us understand food choices better. Add a pinch of AI to the mix and voila, great food options that are tasty and healthy– every single time!

But any fan of Betty Crocker’s recipes will tell you that the importance of consistency is the most important thing in cooking. It’s the consistency in cooking and taste which is the key to any great recipe. With AI, every dish you cook can have the same consistency and experience as your grandma’s recipe or a new recipe that you’re trying out, without compromising the quality or taste. Imagine that you’re baking an apple pie. With AI, recipes can be structured better to accommodate an extra spoon of cinnamon or none altogether, regardless of the original recipe. A definite plus when you consider the scope of food in the future!

Personalizing recipes for each individual might be the trickiest part of building an AI-driven smart kitchen platform, but it’s also the best part about building something so personal to the user. Cooking might come easy for some but, if you find yourself in a fix, Chefling can help. After being rigorously trained in various data sets, Chefling’s AI model can learn from you and understand individual food preferences better. For instance, if you’re lactose intolerant, simply select the ‘dairy-free’ option from dietary preferences and we’ll make sure you see recipes without milk in them. Better yet, find recipes that have suggested alternative for milk! This gives individuals the versatility to explore and automatically receive relevant food recommendations. This helps the AI model to learn and understand the users better, making the app intelligent for everyday cooking and food exploration.

Understanding your special relationship with food is what drives Chefling to continuously improve as a better kitchen platform.

Let us know what you think drives AI in food!

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Anshu Kumar

Data Scientist, Author. Building Semantic Search and Recommendation Engine.