Silver Screen Secrets: Here’s 7 Facts You Didn’t Know About Cinema

Alexa Developers SRM
Alexa Developers SRM
4 min readJul 2, 2024

Anushmita Bose

Lights, camera, and a whole lot of Tinsel-town tidbits — welcome to the blog where we’re about to uncover some cinema fun facts that’ll raise your brows high! Consider this as your golden ticket to the undiscovered journey through glitz, glamour and undiscovered curiosities, Let’s go!

Talking about a wild ride, did you know that in “The Wizard of Oz”, the snowfall in the poppy field was actually just shredded asbestos? There’s nothing like a ‘magical movie moment’ like a health hazard raining down on set.

Also, the ping pong balls in “Forrest Gump” were all CGI. So it seems that Tom Hanks wasn’t a table tennis savant after all.

Well, it’s time to grab your buttered popcorn and find a cozy spot on your couch. Get ready to be entertained, enlightened, and even gasp at these facts where reality takes a backseat and these behind-the-scenes snippets that are as unpredictable as they can be!

#1 The Godfather

So picture this: Marlon Brando, the ultimate golden Hollywood icon, cradling a cat in that iconic opening scene. One would think he’s just adding a touch of sophistication, right? Nope. Turns out, that cat wasn’t even in the casting call! Its purring stole the spotlight quicker than a diva demanding her close-up. Brando had to loop his lines. And that, my friends, is how a stray upstaged one of the most respectable artists in Hollywood. Let’s say the kitty got the last purr!

#2 E.T.

This one’s about Spielberg, ever the perfectionist! He didn’t want to settle for actors, so he cast the real deal- real doctors on set! It seems that when it comes to saving an alien, nothing screams authentic like having actual doctors in lab coats. We suppose if they could tackle white-coat dramas, E.T.’s cosmic issues would be just as easy!

#3 The Matrix

Ah, “The Matrix,” where all three films start with that iconic “digital rain,” like it has a serious case of déjà vu. These “raindrops” are just digital elements of code streaming down the screen to show the virtual capacity humans are stuck in, unbeknownst to them.

The prodigy behind the iconic code, Simon Whiteley, revealed the origins of the design. And no. You will never guess what it is.

Japanese sushi recipes.

#4 Toy Story

Imagine a world where kids everywhere were dreaming of owning a Lunar Larry action figure instead of Buzz Lightyear! Some research revealed that early designs for Toy Story had our favorite space voyager going by a different name, but folks at Pixar had a moment of genius. They decided to pay homage to astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the real-life hero who boldly set his steps nowhere else but the moon! So instead of Lunar Larry, we have Buzz Lightyear, a name that has brought joy to millions of children with his cool action figures. Talk about a galactic tribute!

#5 The Shining

In The Shining, Detective Dick Hallorann tried to shed some light on the concept of “shining” to young Danny Torrance, which came to be an iconic Hollywood moment. Who knew that achieving that cinematic perfection required a whopping 148 retakes? Director Stanley Kubrick was relentless with flawless execution, proving that achieving brilliance may get a tad bit obsessive.

#6 The Ivory Dress

There might be many who may not have heard of “The Seven Year Itch”, released in 1955, but everyone is sure to recognize the fluttering ivory dress that Marilyn Monroe had donned on the subway grate. Designed by Oscar-winner William Travilla, this cocktail attire is more than just fabric — it’s a cinematic treasure. It holds the title of the most expensive movie costume ever sold, fetching a jaw-dropping $4.6 million at an auction in Beverly Hills.

#7 UP

If we’re to talk about attention to detail and perfectionism, save all your kudos to the animators who worked behind the scenes in this movie. Why, you ask?

10,297 balloons were floating in the air. And they were all individually animated.

From balloon hoarding to dressy dramas, it is clear that these delightful facts have peeled layers of peculiarities in the shiny world of glamour and razzle-dazzle. The biggest takeaway is that behind every silver screen sensation lies a story as dazzling as the lights of the red carpet! Or the sparkly paparazzi flashes. So the next time you prepare a snug spot on the couch for your next movie marathon, raise your cola glasses for a toast in a nod to the unsung heroes behind the camera, always rolling.

