The Care and Feeding of Your Top-Performer

Kaari Peterson
Published in
1 min readMay 12, 2021


Your Superstar Needs Praise, Too

Hello fellow people managers!

I have a question for you: when was the last time you praised your star employee for a job well-done?

If you’re like many managers, you probably don’t remember the last time you gave positive feedback to your top-performer.

After all, their work is extraordinary, and everyone in the organization thinks they’re fabulous. Surely, they know that you — their manager — appreciates them and their contributions.

Don’t make this assumption.

People managers need to regularly communicate with their superstars about their performance. My #1 direct report recently gave a stellar presentation to a group of high-level stakeholders. After the session, many of the stakeholders told the presenter how much they appreciated their work.

Do they really need to hear praise from me too?


Look at it this way: You water a healthy plant to keep it healthy and happy, don’t you?

Regular feedback and praise is critical to a person’s continued growth and success — even your top-performer’s. Don’t let a week go by without letting them know that you appreciate them.



Kaari Peterson

Former Head of UX Research at Chegg, Inc. Also worked at Yahoo! and Adobe. My super-power is building and leading extraordinary UX Research and Design teams.