Creating a Style Guide

A style guide is an important step of branding. They should include color profiles, typography and icon examples, and surface comps.

Color is an important element of your style guide because it sets the tone for what your site will look like.
Typography is also very important because it creates a “feeling” be careful to choose a font that displays what your company stands for and what attitude you want the consumer to feel.
For the first surface comp, I decided to create a dark, yet simplistic style with sharp corners to add interest.
This surface comp was a more professional approach, using white space and photos that fit with my color scheme.


Chelsa (MacKay) Anderton is a student in the Digital Media program at Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, studying Interaction & Design. The previous article relates to Validation & Design Guide in the DGM 2271 and is a representation of the skills learned.

