I am Chelsa MacKay Anderton and I am a student at Utah Valley University studying Web Design and Development with an emphasis in Interaction & Design. I love what I do and I’m on a journey to create beauty in the world around me.

Educational Goals:

UVU has been an amazing experience for me. I have loved becoming close to professors and fellow students, learning how to learn and grow in a way that focuses on real world experiences. The courses I have taken have helped me create portfolio pieces that I can show to potential employers and have helped me expand my knowledge from Web Design to all aspects of Digital Media. I am really striving to take advantage all I have learned, and the relationships I’ve built, and use them to further my success in my career.

Entry-Level Career Goal:

Once I graduate, I would love to continue doing freelance work as well as hopefully find a job that pushes me to think more creatively and expand my skills. I would love a job where I get to work among other creative people and hopefully a place where I can voice my own opinions to better the company.

Long-Range Career Goal:

I love to learn and I hope to do that my entire life. I would love to start many companies with my husband (business management major) helping with the online presence part and creating the marketing need. I think this degree is perfect for me because it allows me to be flexible while still generating income for myself and my family. My husband and I have always talked about giving back to those in need because we have been very blessed in life. I’ve been working on a non-profit organization Pathway India and it is growing like crazy. I would love to always be involved in some sort of charity work along with my other goals

