Did you cook? Chemically speaking… Part-1

Akshay Shankar
Chemically Speaking…
5 min readJul 3, 2024

Chemistry is deeply intertwined with the culinary world, shaping the way ingredients transform during the cooking process and ultimately influencing the taste, texture, and appearance of dishes. One of the most fascinating chemical reactions in cooking is the Maillard reaction. This complex process occurs when amino acids and reducing sugars react under high heat, leading to the browning of foods and the creation of a wide range of flavors. The Maillard reaction is responsible for the golden crust on a perfectly seared steak, the rich color of bread crusts, and the enticing smells wafting after frying.

Caramelisation of sugar on Crème Brûlée

Caramelisation is another essential chemical process that adds depth and sweetness to various dishes. It involves the breakdown of sugars at high temperatures, forming new compounds that contribute to the characteristic flavors and a observed in caramelised foods. A simple way to notice this browning effect is to cook sugar directly. You will notice it turn into a golden liquid and then achieve a dark brown color. You can taste the difference, as it develops nutty and savory aromas and taste thanks to the production of the following compounds in the image below:

The interaction between proteins and heat is a critical aspect of cooking chemistry.

When proteins are exposed to heat, they undergo denaturation, a process in which their structure is altered. This alteration can lead to coagulation, causing proteins to solidify and change the texture of foods. An excellent example of this is the cooking of eggs. Boiling eggs causes the proteins in the egg whites and yolks to denature and coagulate, transforming the liquid egg into a solid form. So, an error in maintaining the temperature can make or break the dish, as you cannot un-coagulate the protein (well, you can, but the procedure introduces non-edible chemicals).

The proteins unfurl and then tangle up to form a solid

Another one of the things you can’t go back on most of the times is a emulsified product. Emulsification is a chemical process that we often perform unknowingly and you can bet what we eat contains 1 more emulsified contents. Mayonnaise is a classic example of an emulsion, where egg yolks act as ‘emulsifiers’ to bring together oil and vinegar or another form of liquid. Imagine eating raw egg yolk swimming in vinegar, not appetizing is it? To bring the 2 immiscible liquids together, you can use a emulsifier which can bind to all forms of liquids present, creating 1 homogenous mixture in the end. You can often perform this process under heat as in the case of hollandaise sauce, but if you don’t stir rapidly without pause to bind the liquid contents, you may just be left with cooked and scrambled eggs yolks swimming a vat of grease and vinegar.

Rapidly blending egg yolk, oil and vinegar to create mayo

Leavening agents are another group of chemicals that profoundly impact the outcome of baked goods. Baking soda, baking powder, and yeast are common leavening agents that release gases, such as carbon dioxide, when exposed to heat. This gas production causes the dough or batter to rise, resulting in light and airy textures in cakes, bread, and pastries.

the giant gas bubbles

Beyond these specific chemical reactions, the principles of science used in ingredients can alter the overall flavor and texture profile of a dish. Acids, for example, can enhance flavors by brightening and balancing tastes. This is evident in the use of vinegar or citrus juices to add a zing to sauces or salads. On the other hand, salts can enhance sweetness and suppress bitterness, which is why we often sprinkle them on freshly baked cookies and dose them in our tomato sauces.

Beyond all the parts of cooking covered, understanding the volatility of your ingredients is key. If you are creating a curry, you may want to add vinegar at the end. Vinegar is highly volatile, which means it will evaporate off if you cook it long enough. Vinegar actually evaporates faster than water, so keep that in mind. Other types of ingredients, such as Allicin in garlic (the compound responsible for its strong flavor), have a very low chemical half-life, and if you cook it even a little bit, you almost cut down its presence by 50%.

Use the understanding of chemistry to understand why a dish went wrong, and brainstorm on how you can make it better. Adjust the time for which you cook things, adjust the temperature, adjust the method of seasoning, and look out for more ways in which you can improve your cooking with chemistry in the next article.

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Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com. * This is the original work of Akshay Shankar. Follow here www.linkedin.com/in/akshayshankar2007



Akshay Shankar
Chemically Speaking…

IB Diploma Student | Academic writer | Member @The New York Academy of Sciences |ATCL Trinity Diploma in communication| | www.linkedin.com/in/akshayshankar2007