Do we treat our bodies and mind right?

Akshay Shankar
Chemically Speaking…
4 min readMar 23, 2024

As explored in the previous article, one of the many chemicals in your body ‘cortisol’ often dubbed the stress hormone, is intricately entwined in the daily rhythm of our physiological processes. It is produced in the adrenal glands through a meticulously orchestrated pathway, cortisol production is regulated by the hypothalamus. Its production peaks in the early morning and tapers off throughout the day, cortisol is produced to meet the natural day cycle. In a jumbled yet organized stream of chemicals in our body, cortisol’s circadian rhythm is a crucial element. It’s circadian rhythym gets ajudgested time by time with the external world, regulating the body’s readiness to face the challenges of each day. The cortisol awakening response (CAR), a surge in cortisol levels within the first hour of waking, kickstarts our metabolism and readies us for the day’s demands.

The cortisol spikes as soon as you wake up, this is probably when you scramble to get your things before heading out to work or school.

While the natural ebb and flow of cortisol align with the body’s demands, there are scenarios where an abrupt increase occurs. This heightened release of cortisol is integral to the fight-or-flight response, the body’s evolutionary mechanism to confront perceived threats. In the face of danger, cortisol surges to sharpen focus, increase energy availability, and prepare the body for swift action. However, chronic stress can disturb this delicate equilibrium, leading to prolonged elevation of cortisol levels, contributing to a range of health issues. These issues are in the production of these specific hormonal chemicals in specific periods of time; you may have a lack of sleep due to decreased melatonin production during the night and possibly a greater hunger drive due to the heightened production of Ghrelin.

Beta endorphins vs Lactase graph. Te lactase is produced with exercise

To master the chemistry of cortisol regulation is to explore several ways of stress management. Exercise, a fundamental aspect of cortisol control, introduces a plethora of beneficial molecular events. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood enhancers, concurrently regulating cortisol levels. Yoga and meditation, emphasizing controlled breathing and mindfulness, exhibit similar endorphin-releasing events. The interaction between neurotransmitters, hormones, and receptors orchestrates a connection of maintaining your body physically and aiding you mentally.

Another crucial aspect of the human body is the realm of thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which profoundly influence metabolic processes. The thyroid, a small gland, produces these hormones through the incorporation of iodine into tyrosine residues within thyroglobulin.

T3 & T4

Nutrition is a critical factor in maintaining optimal thyroid health. Iodine, one of the essential components in thyroid hormones, is acquired through dietary intake. Ensuring an adequate supply of iodine is fundamental to preventing thyroid disorders. Balancing thyroid hormones is not just limited to nutrition; it includes regulating the feedback loops between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, the ones responsible for producing fight-or-flight chemicals. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), released by the pituitary gland, acts as a molecular conductor, directing the thyroid’s hormone production. The balance between TSH, T4, and T3 works to maintain efficient metabolism.

Maybe knowing how we can improve ourselves from a scientific standpoint can aid in our journey to better mental and physical health. This has been a ramble on how emotional and metabolism-based biological activities govern our mood, stomach, mindset, and willingness to get up from bed. The next article will be on the chemistry involved in training and exercise.

Treating our bodies with chemistry! 🧪✨ Part 1.5 explores more on cortisol — the stress hormone influencing our daily rhythm. Plus, a glimpse into the thyroid hormone realm and its connection to nutrition. 🏋️‍♂️🥗 Join the scientific exploration of how our biology shapes our well-being. Stay tuned for the next chapter: the chemistry of training and exercise! 🚀 #chemistry #biochemistry #excercise #mentalhealth #insomnia #stem

Originally published at * This is the original work of Akshay Shankar. Follow here



Akshay Shankar
Chemically Speaking…

IB Diploma Student | Academic writer | Member @The New York Academy of Sciences |ATCL Trinity Diploma in communication| |