How to change the stroke thickness of Chemix diagrams

Hai Mac
Published in
Jun 8, 2022

The diagrams you create in Chemix can be presented in various contexts. When presenting them on a big screen, thicker outlines can help your students better see the shapes in the diagram. On the other hand, if you are using them in printouts or as part of a research paper, you may prefer the cleaner look that the thinner lines afford.

With the exception of shapes and lines, Chemix does not let you change the line thickness of individual items. Instead, you can change the thickness of all items in the diagram:

  1. Make sure to have no items selected: using the Select tool, click on empty space, away from any items.
  2. The Diagram Settings property panel should now show up. Under theme, next to Stroke Thickness, you can select on of the 3 choices:

Happy drawing with Chemix!



Hai Mac
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Software engineer, dabbler in graphic design, digital and analogue game enthusiast // Learning to Write. Writing to share. Sharing to learn.