Top 12 Chrome Extensions to Boost Your Research Productivity

“Scientific research is one of the most exciting and rewarding occupations.” — Frederick Sanger

Aritra Roy


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If you can boost the excitement of the research process, then why NOT? And, here you are…to take the fresh juice without peeling the fruit. Don’t worry, this article is just for you. But before starting — a short intro, please?

Google chrome extensions are the most necessary kits in the toolbox of academic researchers. This is because they help make the research processes as seamless as possible. Researchers can use chrome extensions for citation assistance, bookmarking references, getting related paper recommendations, finding free versions of expensive journals, and many more. Getting bored? So easily? Okkk…let’s jump into the main part then. In the following, you can find the top 12 chrome extensions just for you —

1. Science Research Assistant

The Science Research Assistant extension for Google Chrome helps you to find relevant papers. It also helps you to find papers on a specific topic and in a particular journal, author, or date range. You can even narrow your search results by language if desired! This extension is helpful if you’re looking for a specific paper or want to see what…



Aritra Roy

PhD Student at LSBU, UK | Researching Ferroelectric Domain Walls | Passionate about Computational Materials Science | Combining Science & Technology 🔬💻📚