.NET Programming Monthly Issue 4

Jiadong Chen
The Programmer In Kiwiland
9 min readApr 30, 2020


A lot has happened recently, so I haven’t updated my blog in a long time. Hope the world will return to normal soon.

You can find some discussions about improving performance in #Unity, some mistakes in #Csharp are easy to make, ‘memory leak’ in #Csharp and dump introspection. ‘how to convert a string to int’, it’s a simple question? No. ‘#csharp exception handling best practices’, ‘How to write to a file with #csharp in 2020 — StackOverflow doesn’t get it right’, a tutorial about #azuredevops and a video about how to create prototype level in #Unity.

Check It Out!


  • Godot Engine, an open-source game engine, will be getting C# support for iOS. Initially and for quite some time C# was only supported in Godot on desktop platforms. In the last year they made good progress extending support to Android and WebAssembly, and now it’s time to add iOS to that list as well.
  • Signals are the Godot version of the observer pattern. Engine classes use signals to notify listeners when an event occurs. User scripts can also create their own signals. In .NET, the common way to implement the observer pattern is using events. The goal this time is to expose signals as events. it’s not finished, but the initial results are…



Jiadong Chen
The Programmer In Kiwiland

Microsoft MVP, MCT | Azure Certified Solutions Architect & Cybersecurity Architect Expert | Member of .NET Foundation | Packt Author