UnityTip: PIX 2006.26 Is Released & Use PIX To Debug Graphics API Calls Of A Unity Game

Jiadong Chen
The Programmer In Kiwiland
2 min readJul 8, 2020


PIX is a performance tuning and debugging tool provided by Microsoft for Windows developers. It provides a variety of modes to analyze the performance of an application and includes the ability to capture frames of DirectX projects from an application for debugging.

For Unity developers, you can use PIX to debug Windows 64-bit Standalone or UWP (Universal Windows Platform) applications.

ref: Unity Manual

The GPU Capture function of PIX records all Direct3D 12 API calls of the game, including its parameter data. These calls can be replayed later, enabling a range of debugging and analysis functions.

On July 7th, Microsoft released the PIX 2006.26 version. In the official blog, the author Morgan mentioned the new features of the new version. The most notable among them is the enhancement of the GPU captures function, that is, the so-called Fence Signal/Wait arrow indicators are provided in the GPU capture to support the tracking and visualization of fence signals and waits to help developers understand Synchronization problem. See the following figure:

ref: PIX Blog



Jiadong Chen
The Programmer In Kiwiland

Microsoft MVP, MCT | Azure Certified Solutions Architect & Cybersecurity Architect Expert | Member of .NET Foundation | Packt Author