Using Android Studio to profile the Unity app on the Android platform

Jiadong Chen
The Programmer In Kiwiland
4 min readMar 26, 2020


0x00 Preface

People often complain that the Android platform does not have a unified and easy-to-use profiler tool. Not as convenient as the iOS instrument tool.


For example, the Unity Blog taught you how to use instrument for profiling a few years ago.

In fact, the current Android Studio already provides a good profiler tool for the Android platform.

This post mainly introduces the CPU Profiler to check the performance of Unity native functions. Just like instrument on the iOS platform.

Graphics related performance profiling, you can use:



Jiadong Chen
The Programmer In Kiwiland

Microsoft MVP, MCT | Azure Certified Solutions Architect & Cybersecurity Architect Expert | Member of .NET Foundation | Packt Author