Web Highlights - Week 10, 2017

Platycodon Hsu
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2017









“顿笔三角形”从一开始是为了打破平衡,在不均衡中体现出美感。“顿笔三角形”就好比是秤砣在不均衡中体现均衡的一个重要砝码,以“一”字为例,从这个“顿笔三角形”中我们在感 受其往下圧力的同时,也可以感受到一股由此而来的从下往上的力,如果不是有这个“顿笔三角形”圧在那里的话,这个横线很有可能就会变得向右上倾斜。


12/03/2017, 8:10 AM

How Anti-Science Forces Thrive On Facebook

Instead, studies suggest that people tend to hold beliefs that align with their cultural values.

11/03/2017, 9:02 AM

Top US hospitals aggressively promoting alternative medicine offerings

The people running the hospitals are doctors, but they also have MBAs. They talk of patients as customers. Customers have demands. Your job is to sell them what they want.

11/03/2017, 8:50 AM

The Truth About the WikiLeaks C.I.A. Cache — The New York Times

WikiLeaks seems to have a playbook for its disinformation campaigns. The first step is to dump many documents at once — rather than allowing journalists to scrutinize them and absorb their significance before publication. The second step is to sensationalize the material with misleading news releases and tweets. The third step is to sit back and watch as the news media unwittingly promotes the WikiLeaks agenda under the auspices of independent reporting.

11/03/2017, 8:02 AM

The Underground Railroad for Refugees

When I told him that he seemed remarkably composed, he grabbed me by the hands, squeezing my palms with clammy fingers. “Does this feel calm?” he asked, holding my gaze.

10/03/2017, 3:55 PM

Why does Google think Obama is planning a coup d’etat?

Focusing on direct answers is also a longer-term play. The number of browser-less internet-connected devices is growing fast, and already voice-activated assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home are penetrating the market.

If you’re interacting by voice, and it responds in voice, you know how many answers you get? One. That’s only going to work if you have that answer.

10/03/2017, 12:17 PM

The biggest threat facing middle-age men isn’t smoking or obesity. It’s loneliness. — The Boston Globe

It’s a polite way of kicking the ball down the road, but never into the goal. I like you. You like me. Is that enough? Does that make us friends?

Men need an activity together to make and keep a bond. Women can maintain friendships over the phone.

When female friends are talking to each other, they do it face to face. But guys stand side by side, looking out at the world together.

When you have a gap in your schedule, you feel bad running off with the fellas and leaving your partner alone to look for the shoes. And the guys I’d like to spend time with are all locked in the exact same bind as me. Planning anything takes great initiative, and if you have to take initiative every time you see someone, it’s easy to just let it disappear.

Beginning in the 1980s, Schwartz says, study after study started showing that those who were more socially isolated were much more likely to die during a given period than their socially connected neighbors, even after you corrected for age, gender, and lifestyle choices like exercising and eating right. Loneliness has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke and the progression of Alzheimer’s. One study found that it can be as much of a long-term risk factor as smoking.

10/03/2017, 11:56 AM

Big Tobacco Has Caught Startup Fever — Bloomberg

The Cube features a translucent glass facade, passive solar heating, and extensive gardens. It has three wings, named Earth, Wind, and Air. Pointedly, there is no Fire. It is the heat-not-burn of contemporary European architecture.

Since the rise of e-cigarettes, it’s no longer such a stretch to imagine a messianic engineer in a garage somewhere inventing a nicotine-delivery gadget capable of doing to cigarettes what Uber did to taxicabs or Napster did to the compact disc.

“It’s going to be an arms race,” says Nik Modi, an analyst with RBC Capital Markets. “Who has the best technology, the best science? Who can get their applications through the FDA the quickest? We’re not in a pricing war. We’re in an innovation war.”

The move into tech, she points out, is also likely to help cigarette makers overcome some of the stigma of working in a field whose core product remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the U.S., according to the CDC, killing almost 500,000 people a year.

But in cigarettes, as in music and news, the shift away from analog is more of a process than a pivot. Murillo points out that Altria has been developing heat-not-burn technology for several decades, but only recently have the consumer and regulatory conditions grown favorable for widespread adoption.

09/03/2017, 11:14 AM

The new dictators speak for the complainer, not the idealist — Holly Case | Aeon Essays

The autocrat of the mid-20th century was a strict and demanding father out to shape you into an ideal. He wanted you to modernise, learn self-discipline and, above all, self-sacrifice. Today’s authoritarians, by contrast, expect very little of their ‘children’. They do not seek to transform their subjects or mould them into an ideal.

Remarkably, although these new dictators endeavour to place themselves above everyday politics by securing a leadership position for life, or at least for indefinite duration, they tread softly around the cult of personality.

They are what happens when the aspiration to betterment is conflated with a corrupt utopianism: it dies.

The Polish philosopher and historian Leszek Kołakowski wrote in 1978 of this ‘new Soviet man’ that he was an ‘ideological schizophrenic, a liar who believed what he was saying, a man capable of incessant, voluntary acts of intellectual self-mutilation’.

Milošević made it clear that the new authoritarianism was no longer going to be oriented toward the future and the creation of a ‘new man’, but toward the past: past glories, defeats, and ‘lessons’ of history. Although history is their element, the new authoritarians are not historians. In lieu of ideology, the new authoritarian offers the paradox of state-sanctioned dissent.

An entropic stasis emerged: the father stopped expecting anything beyond lukewarm love from the child, and the child stopped expecting anything beyond lukewarm love from the father. The new authoritarian does not pretend to make you better, only to make you feel better about not wanting to change.

08/03/2017, 11:59 PM

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

08/03/2017, 11:15 PM

How millions of kids are being shaped by know-it-all voice assistants — The Washington Post

The problem, Druin said, is that this emotional connection sets up expectations for children that devices can’t or weren’t designed to meet, causing confusion, frustration and even changes in the way kids talk or interact with adults.

“If Alexa doesn’t understand the question, is it Alexa’s fault or might it be the question’s fault?”

To ask her a question, all you need to do is say her name, followed by the query. No “please.” And no “thank you” before asking a follow-up. “At the very least, it creates patterns and reinforcement that so long as your diction is good, you can get what you want without niceties.”

Upside: No more fights over what the temperature will really be and what’s appropriate to wear. Downside: Kids will go to their parents less, with both sides losing out on timeworn interactions.

08/03/2017, 8:51 AM

The Uber Conflation — Stratechery by Ben Thompson

Every technicality that Uber takes advantage of, or every new law it gets passed by leveraging lobbyists and by bringing its users to bear on local politicians, is taken by many to be more evidence of a company that considers itself above the law.

08/03/2017, 8:19 AM



所以结论来了,知识变现的窗口期只为两种人真正开放 — —



07/03/2017, 8:16 PM

