6 Tips for making communication in your relationship better

Mudit Jaju


All of us have struggled with communication in our different relationships be it friendship, family or romantic. If communication is missing it saps the spark of the relationship. Here are a few tips to conquer the communication gap in your relationship and revive the spark.

  • Face to Face communication
    Discussing big issues should always be done in person. Texting is not a good way, it leads to miscommunication as your partner cannot hear the tone of your voice, can’t observe your body language and most importantly feel the heat of your emotions.
  • Be honest about your feelings
    You can’t go around in a relationship walking on eggshells and not being able to say how you truly feel. Feelings are your miniature heart, so be open when it comes to expressing them. Speak what you genuinely feel, pour out whatever is hidden in your heart, don’t suppress your feeling as they may lead to bigger problems in the future.
  • Pay Attention
    Don’t listen just for the sake of it. Listen with interest in a conversation, keep the eye contact, paraphrase. Don’t be glued to your phone, it is the worst thing you can do, it discourages the other person to from expressing themselves. If you are not in the mood, don’t start an important discussion.
  • Sandwich Method
    It is one of the best ways when it comes to expressing tough feelings . Just sandwich what you have to say between two positive statements . It may look like this - “Listen Shaily, I know you love me a lot, you really care for me but we are not spending much time which is disturbing me, If you could make some efforts to spend some quality time with me, I would be really happy.”
  • Refrain from the “I” Statement
    Instead of attacking your partner with ‘you’ step down to using ‘I’ let your partner know how you feel. Instead of saying ‘you don’t help with household work’ you may say ‘ I get upset when you don’t help with household chores’. It sounds less accusatory and more approachable .
  • Body Language
    When your are taking or listening make sure your body language is also on the same page, your body language must correspond with your words otherwise to show your pretending to be actively participating in the communication.

If there are issues which you are unable to resolve or feel that both of you are not on the same page, you definitely need some private time to sort things out. Candlelight dinners are an awesome way to sort these issues. If you are in Delhi / NCR we have some amazing experiences where you can spend some “us” time alone!



Mudit Jaju
Editor for

I am batman playing Product manager by day and donning the Front end developer cape by the night for my startup CherishX. (http://cherishx.com)