Your Cheat Sheet to 13 New Year Resolutions worth making this year!

Tom Mathews
Published in
6 min readDec 28, 2017

For every new day is a start for something new and every new year is a new chapter in the novel that is your life, then you should begin the new year in the perfect style, let’s make that true.

As a child the New Year Eve wasn’t that big a event compared to the first day of the New Year. There was the looming threat of our parents in our mind that if you do something bad on the new year day then it may happen for the rest of the year as well and that always kept us in check at least on New Year Day. And when we were in school, you do remember the struggle to put the new year in dates on our registers and copies, don’t you? Those were the days of New Year.
The recent New Years have been different and this is my account of last one. I can’t go on, I must go on. That is how New Year Eve went for me. Me and my friends were enthused and invigorated at the start when we were climbing that stairway to heaven, trying to light that fire, mixing those drinks and scared at the same time of someone coming and interrupting our heaven. The drunk friend, the riveting conversations, the warmth of fire, the smoking of cigarettes, the grooving dance and then the incessant waiting for the clock to hit midnight, The group hug, the countdown under the stars by the dying fire and then the sweet home sleep. This is how I spent my new year eve, how did you?

But new year isn’t all about the party, it is also about the resolutions.
“What do you need in the New Year? You need a dream; your dream needs an action; and your action needs right thinking! Without right thinking, you can have only unrealized dreams!”
So this is it. The dreams, the action and then the consequences. The New Year resolution is the moment of truth that you have with yourself, it is the the question you ask your soul what you want to refrain from this year. Personally I feel resolutions can be taken on any day and most of the folks would agree with me on it but the New Year Day or Eve is when you have that clean slate on your platter and finally can take the resolutions seriously. This is our list of New Year Resolutions that you would like to take resolve on this year. This list is personally compiled with our resolute resolve that would make your resolutions all the more jollied and stupefied.

Here we Go :-

  • The Teetotalism : Let me give you a number right now too big for your imagination almost 2 billion people of 7 that resides on this miserable little planet take this resolve, some succeed and well some don’t. But you too are looking to abstain from alcohol, this is it.
  • The No-Fap : Are you too grossed out by this habit of yours? Let’s not get into medical benefits or drawbacks of excessive fapping, but if you too want to reduce the number of times when you do it and looking for a day when the time would be right, new year it is.
  • Putting the Bud Down : Smoking is injurious to health, smoking kills. I ain’t preaching, I have my own demons to fight and smoking is a demon and you have your own fight as do I. Put the bud down and quit this year and new year is the day to do that.
  • The Loyalty and The Truth Serum : I have been in relationships, so have you and the foundation of a relationship is loyalty and trust. If you have been naughty lately, new year is the day to stop that excessive fun you are having and start being truthful.
  • The Specificity of Particularity : Are you a jack of all trades? If you are and feel exasperated and overwhelmed, this is the time to choose that ace specialty and hone your skills and don’t forget to sharpen the Axe your talent needs.
  • The Dwindling Devoir Haleness : The prima-facie looks matter and well your shape affects that impression, persuade them to help you. Be it to impress your crush or be it for your own egoism, the health and shape should be a priority for a whole lot of us.
  • Time to Put the Key in the Lock : Stop procrastinating, stop delaying it, the time is now, you have the key, you have the lock. Say the magic words, put the key in the ignition and drive away to your destination.
  • The Chase of Moolah : Be narcissistic if you have to be, if money is what you want, stop listening and stop caring about everyone else in the world, chase the dream, break the day and seize the opportunity. Let the fire and n you burn the world.
  • The Goodwill in Philanthropy : Look to give up what you keep hidden under that cave below that tree. Time to share with the people less fortunate and help the world with a vigorous approach and New Year is the time to start.
  • The Exorcism of Phobia : We are mortal beings and we are meant to be scared of so many things, some suffer from common acrophobia to the not so common necrophilia but we all are afraid of many things, take out your bible, be the priest and perform the exorcism.
  • The Stop to Snooze or To Hit the Lay : Some sleep more, some sleep less, some try to sleep but don’t get that quality they wanted, some sleep with quality but not the quantity, new year is time to get your sleeping habits organised and sleep enough.
  • No More Social or the Opposite of Opinion : The time is here to ignore the social media, you know you have been doing it too much lately and you know it is time to quit. Or are you the opposite and looking for sociality, new year is the time to resolve this problem with this resolution.
  • Stick to the Plan : Any resolution without resolve isn’t really a resolution. So stick by your word this time, choose to forget and move all the obstructions, roadblocks, fight your way out of the cage and win the life.

Ahh so look for something beyond everything and go farther than any man has gone before. The new year is all about the unbreakable vows, it is also about the party, the friends and that new chapter in that novel you have been writing for so long now. We at CherishX gives you the chance to party and we wish you the most happy new year beyond all the colossal universe of the experience.



Tom Mathews
Writer for

The underachieving writer in the middle of somewhere-nowhere