Noom: The Final Weeks

Wrap up of a 16-week weight-loss journey with Noom

Karen Cherry
Cherry Soup


Noom = skinny jeans dreams (these are totally not my legs, but keep reading for actual before and after pics). Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I’m breaking up with Noom.

Breaking up with Noom isn’t easy. Here’s a secret the other Noom reviewers won’t tell you: stopping Noom is scary. Not quit-your-job-to-go-live-in-Cambodia-scary, but not an easy decision either. I’d committed to 16 weeks of Noom and my time was up, so I was determined to quit. But I…



Karen Cherry
Cherry Soup

Substack writer. Secret tree hugger. Aussie business owner with >$18K revenue on Substack. Refusing to dumb it down.