Building worlds

Cauldron is pushing the boundaries of storytelling, design, and web3 to pioneer new form of entertainment

Matteo Vallone
Cherry Ventures
2 min readJul 6, 2022


Credit: Fox Rogers, Cauldron

“You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.” — Margaret Atwood

The recent crypto bull market gave a glimpse into what web3 can do to revolutionize the way we create, consume, and own content. It has also presented a new and better way to align incentives for content creators and users. But most projects that have emerged in the last few years have been driven by speculation and short-term gain seeking behavior.

The bear market is clearing that noise. Unsustainable business models and shallow products are short-lived. It’s a good thing as talent and capital can be better funnelled in the projects that are worthy. The ones that have the potential to inspire and engage users regardless of any financial gain. Many creators are inspired and excited by the new possibilities that web3 archetypes bring to the game design space. They are not distracted by the market movements. They are building great products, not just great tokens.

Cauldron is a perfect example of that. They recognize the power of communities and true ownership in web3 as a new, essential tool to tell engaging stories and build engrossing virtual worlds.

As humans, from when we first started having a language we felt the need to craft and tell stories. Words, symbols, music, books, TVs… Every new technology we invented was quickly used to tell stories. Gaming is another way of telling a story. One where the characters (the “players”) are crafting the plot alongside the narrator.

Cauldron is collecting some of the greatest creative talent to use blockchain to push the boundaries of storytelling and worldbuilding. Stories and worlds that are also owned by their audience and where they form communities who actively shape the narrative and the economies that flourish within them.

We can’t wait for the reveal of the first world later this year. Like any great product, it’s difficult to put it into words until you experience it.

But what we are even more excited about is the creative hub they are building, featuring people who have built some of the most inspiring IPs in recent gaming history. It’s a culture that will welcome the best creators and storytellers who are excited or curious (or both) about the new tools that gaming and web3 bring to their arsenal.

This group of people, together with the community of users, can shape the next worlds that will engage us for decades.

This is why we are excited to welcome Cauldron to the Cherry portfolio. If their story is interesting to you too, you can read more on the news here.

