Chess Tent — a new way to teach chess

Luka Bracanovic
Chess Tent
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2022

Chess is one of the oldest games, taught to young future professionals in a well-established way. It’s a long, grinding road, which includes countless hours spent over the board with a coach, a computer, or even alone.

But what about the majority of chess amateurs? Most online chess players are hobbyists who never had a single chess practice!

Considering how much time chess can take, regardless of players’ level of expertise, it could be useful to have someone follow your progress.

Most of us have gone to the gym at some point in our life or at least thought about it. It would be easy to find a fitness coach there who could help you get started and track your progress through well-established ways of practicing.

Practicing one-on-one

For the most ambitious, one-on-one practicing with a coach is the fastest way to progress, but the majority of players prefer a more relaxed environment and practicing at their own pace.

Custom-tailored individual programs

For that majority, coaches have come up with custom-tailored individual programs that students can go through by themselves. At the same time, individual programs solve the bottleneck problem of real-time practicing, which allows coaches to do more in less time and simultaneously gives the students the desired flexibility.

Until now chess practice was focused on live sessions and generic video lessons, but from now on by using Chess Tent coaches can create specific programs for their students.

A virtual chess gym for everyone

Chess Tent is a platform focused on providing the best online tools for teaching and studying chess.

We like to refer to Chess Tent as a gym because it’s a virtual place with all means for learning chess online — just like a gym.

Connect with students

The first step towards coaching is having a student. The public coaches page is the perfect place to charm potential students and encourage them to join you.

Coaches at Chess Tent

You can easily create a public profile in just a few steps — it doesn’t cost anything and you become visible in an instant. Register as a coach at

Chess Tent is actively reaching out to new students and is aiming to be a go-to place when it comes to studying chess online.

Create custom-tailored practice

If you’re a coach you probably have a busy schedule, but you can offload some of the work to your students now.

By using Templates you can prepare different kinds of examples and exercises that can be used to create a custom practice for your students.

Template editor

After initial screening with a student, you can easily assign chapters specific to them, which consist of many various steps that a student can study alone.

If anything is unclear, students can send a message or leave a comment at any moment. You can get back to them whenever it’s most convenient for you.

This way students get the best of both worlds. On the one hand, students receive exercises based on their level and at a more affordable price, but can still communicate with coaches if necessary.


Custom-tailored practice doesn’t have to be a primary way of teaching, it can be used in addition to real-time practice. Custom lessons can be used as homework assignments.

After a regular lesson, a coach can assign some of the exercises for a student to go through by themselves later.

Practice in real time

Of course, we haven’t forgotten about the most exciting way of learning. Any practice can instantly become real-time practice — all you have to do is be in the room at the same time as your student.

Training room

The board in the training room is interactive, which means that everybody sees the same position and the only thing you need to do to start a video conference is to join one within the same room.

Moving forward

A lot has been made, but there is much more ahead of us. Chess Tent is a work in progress and we appreciate every feedback.

Since going live the platform has drastically changed based on user feedback and we’re not stopping now.

Your move is next, see you at

