Starting my first UX Design Career at Tokopedia

Ravi Mahfunda
Chevalier Lab
Published in
5 min readJan 26, 2020

A UX Designer Intern at TopAds Tribe, from Telkom University Bandung. I just getting started my UX Career on Tokopedia. And I’m gonna tell you my story!

Have you heard TopAds?

The first time I got on board, and I knew that I’m going to join TopAds Tribe. My mind got wondering, what is TopAds?

I never heard of it before, and it turned out that it is the Ads Mechanism for Tokopedia Seller. It takes me a day to understanding what TopAds is? And explore all of the existing TopAds features.

The first impression is… well, it’s so complicated.

My onboard mentor Riana, Dwiki, Hilmi show me what TopAds is. What are the means of CTR, SRP, PDP? A lot of questioning that day. While waiting for my actual mentor that was leaving for a workshop.

Giant Also Have Scars

The first task that given to me was to do some Heuristic Evaluation on TopAds current flow.

It takes me to travel around TopAds and look for flaws that we need to fix.
As an outsider, I see Tokopedia as a mature product. Turned out that it has so many flaws that I never noticed before.

The hashtag #KamiBaruMulai was true I guess, we still need to improve.

Check my article about it down below.

Collaborative Teamwork


As a newcomer in UX Design, this is my first professional experience working as a UX Designer. In my tribe, we use Figma as the main tool that I familiar with. But in my tribe, we use Figma like I never imagine before. We do a sprint in it. Using real-time collaboration features.

#PaperlessWorkshop #FigmaFTW

But the most memorable moment is when we working on some prototype that has due time tomorrow for a Usability Testing and only got 1 hour working hours left on that day. So go on it together, around 5 people at the same time.

Figma Prototyping

That was awesome

Open to Feedback

My mentor always gives constructive feedbacks, in design, ideation, review, documents, all of those.

And even I was encouraged to speak up in my opinion, there is no discrimination even though I just an intern. I can deliver my opinion equally.
Sometimes my ideas are crazy, but sometimes it is brilliant. They always appreciate it.

My mentor, Rio Hidayat

Humble to the Ground

There is one person that I amaze the most, she was my senior Zahrah.
Even though she has a ton of experiences, she already in her 6th year on Tokopedia, but she asks opinion to me. Discuss like no boundaries.
Even interested in my personal stories and motivation.

It was never a user’s fault, it always our

Doing a lot of testing teach me that it was never a user’s fault, it was always our fault by not giving the best.

Maybe we constrained by possibilities, but we always need to seek more.
Improvement and #MakeItBetter

Design is like a math

“When you can’t find the answer, that means your approach is wrong”
I encountered several times when I stuck in a design process. And my mentor always reminds me to double-check the concept, the flow. Make a clear of the big picture.

Sometimes we just need to take a step back to see the big picture.

And… what we can improve from this?

It was a lot, like a lot

What We Can Improve?

Our Product

Our product itself has some big milestones to catch up with. Especially when our product is a product that help users to gain their success.
Keep designing, testing, and iterating.

Their success, our success, right?

Our Teamwork

I found some issues from the team management that we can improve, and I already told it to our lead. Which will need the participation of all the team members?

With more structured, yet flexible management. It will boost up our team productivity, the mentality to speak-up, and openness to the personal discussion.

Our Process

There was several processes that I see have opportunities for improvement.
Like, implement and build our internal design library, considering TopAds have a lot of custom components that not included in UNIFY.

And documentation for it, so we can back at it and revamp it with previous research without breaking it.

In my opinion, TopAds’ learning curves are high. So I guess it will help when our team scales.

I always feel blessed to have an opportunity for taking my first UX Career in Tokopedia, in challenging TopAds Tribe, and with awesome people like you guys.

Thank you for having me Tokopedia



Ravi Mahfunda
Chevalier Lab

M.24 • Product Designer • No-code Builder • Community Organizer