Announcing: Chibis Global!!!

Chibi ? ? ? ? ?
15 min readJul 17, 2020
CHIBIS GLOBAL Early Launch!!!

The Great Philosopher Chibi asks, “Why do we even Exist?” and “What does it even mean ‘To be Drawn’?”

The Great Philosopher Chibi

With the arrival of the Great Philosopher Chibi, history will be made. Chibis will no longer fight one another mindlessly as they are now awakening. They think such thoughts as “Why do we follow the great arrow in the sky?” and “Where are we from, and who made us?”

This is the journey that you must embark on with the chibis, as they can’t answer these questions alone…will you answer their plea for help?

Only the Great Philosopher Chibi can truly answer that question!

The actual history of Chibi’s is quite interesting. If in fact you would like to read up on it, I found this excellent article — HERE. As it stands, Chibi’s themselves as a community do not have their own lore or design. Chibis were derived from various fan cultures in an effort to make fun, cute, exaggerated scenes of favorite characters in other lores.

Over time, the art style and derived games built up newly designed chibis. This is where we start off with Chibis Global. As we give a world of chibis breath, they will now come together and begin to discover what their world is made of. Together, we will empower chibis to make the switch from being slaves to modern intellectual properties, to their very own existence. If this sounds interesting, read on!

Initial Roadmap Concepts

Chibis Global will start with a form of JRPG (Japanese Role Playing Game) where you will be the manager of your community of Chibis. They will embark on adventures, dungeon crawls and various activities that will build up the chibi community at your command. The resources, items, and chibis acquired during this journey will further enhance your community.

Once you have progressed enough in the storyline, a tower defense module will unlock. This will largely be the focus of Chibis Global at launch. it is with these Towers that the Chibis will seek to reach the Great Arrow in the Sky, and inquire of it where to go next. While building and working towards that end, the hordes of entropy will lay siege to the Towers in an effort to keep al lChibis contained in Chibi land…. Check out this preview below on the magic/physique meta of tower defense being developed:

With that being said — Chibis will have all new statistical interactions with their contracts. Unlike previous games — we will incorporate an advanced system that draws it’s inspiration from other major game titles that members of our team have worked on. Chibis will have a private, internal value that will differentiate each chibi from another. As a Chibi levels up, its internal value will be incorporatd into an equation that determines the overall outcome of each stat break while levelling.

Chibis will then have three primary stat values:

  1. Physique
  2. Thought
  3. Spirit

Each of these can operate as a type of “Rock, Scissors, Paper” deal. To fans of roleplaying games, these will seem vaguely familiar. Each stat breaks down as follows:

Physique will determine each Chibis physical abilities — Attack, Defense and partially, speed.

Thought will primarily determine any Chibis ability to use Magic and Psychic Abilities. Their resistance to such will also greatly be affected by this statistic.

Spirit will determine Chibis ability to channel the divine, allowing them to manipulate their spirit, and the spirit of others. traditionally, these focused types of characters would engage largely in the healing ability of the Holy Trinity (Tank, DPS, Heals).

Below is a work in progress of the stat bar for Chibis. Each stat will have a bar that can increase/decrease based on level, and opponent ability.

Each of these values will be determined in an overall fashion both randomly and by the internal value of each Chibi. The Internal Value is not visible to anyone, and is immutable. It cannot be adjusted and will determine the overall outcome of any given Chibi and its life cycle. This allows for unique and randomized chibi dominance - the ability for any new, or old chibi to take the front end statistically at any given time.

Concept Art: Devolve/Evolve Chibis Global


A new feature forChibis Global will be an evolve/devolve system. Each Chibi will have three forms, its evolution (larger) and its de-evolution (devolution, smaller). As you can see in the image above, the Middle Unit will be your initial Chibi, in this case an athletic archer. When evolving it for the first time, we discover it can utilize the Vampire Evolve Class. On the flip side, if/when Devolved, the archer then turns into the purple wizard class. A variety of things can bring about a devolution or evolution — but once it has taken place, that class will be forever locked to that specific chibi, and is randomized.

(At this point in development, we are considering “certain” cards to have preference for evolution or devolution classes, but it is not yet set in stone).

In the world of Chibis, size does matter. An evolved Chibi facing off with a tiny devolved chibi is most likely to succeed. The same goes for the game world, as chibis are generally smaller, their cities are also smaller — thus chibis must always be on the lookout for evolved units thrashing their places of residence.

Devolved Chibis will have their uses just as much as either other form. However — players must be on the watch out for specialized enemy bosses who can permanently lock a chibi into its devolved form. Devolved chibis have been mostly excommunicated from the already small chibi world, and have built their massive empires of cities underground. This of course is mostly unbeknowest to most of the chibi world! More on this another time though ;)

Skill, Class, and Gear Talent Trees

Skill, Class, and Gear Talent Trees

Chibi Global will incorporate universally acknowledged rpg elements such as unique skill, class, and gear talent trees. With these trees your chibis will explore all new methodologies unknown ever in chibi history. To unlock these - special events, rare scrolls, and other unique methods must be applied to find each chibi’s true potential.

Although a new level of complexity and learning curve, the potential for unique chibi builds and purposes will be sprouted. Having a dozen similar chibis in your arsenal can now have a purpose, each one with a unique build designed specifically for its stats, evolutions, and devolutions.


Skills will provide unique benefits to your individual chibi. Skills can be types of special attacks, unique functions (think fishing, or mining) etc. Skill points cannot be refunded, so build your chibi wisely. Plan your teams out one by one, and build a unique chibi to meet your needs. Teams with highly differentialized chibis will prove to be whats needed to face the challenges ahead.


Unlike previous iterations of Chibi games, the actual name of a chibi no longer sets it aside from others. Now all Chibis will have specialized Classes — jobs that they can specialize into. Some Chibis may choose to become a Samurai, others may choose to be come an Archer or a Cleric. As Classes are discovered, unique classes may be acquired in one time scrolls that require special items and/or quest to unlock. The Class System will be a truly unique experience for Chibis Global players.


Not all members of your team will be combat specialists, and thus gear focus will be a key area to make your team work. Certain missions may require an engineer or a blacksmith, and as such, having the right gear focus and class focus will be the difference between a successful mission or not. Of course, we love to see our chibis fight (but why?? asks the Great Philosopher Chibi) and those specialized chibi personnel will need the appropriate escorts to get the job done. (Sending a Miner alone into a combat field is not a good idea!)

One day, collectively the chibis all shouted to the Great Arrow in the Sky and said “We have been drawn, yet we do not have depth!” and there was a thunderous boom and thus Theorycrafting was born unto the Chibis.

Economies of Value

Ready to play this awesome game? Wait! The amazing news is not yet over! Besides being a fun, story focused game — Chibis Global wil also be a cryptogame and will have a variety of time proven economic models in place to assist the community in further developing both their game, and the overall chibiverse.

First and foremost, the game will be utilizing ERC-1155 tokens (Enjin). The usage of ERC-1155 will be ideal for the game setup we wil be using, and other games that this Chibiverse wil be a part of. Further owners of previous Chibi assets will be able to port their ERC-20 and ERC-721 assets eventually through a forge process. Read up more on erc-1155 HERE and HERE.

Over time, additional networks such as tron which has traditionaly been a part of the chibi family, steem network, and more will all be able to partake in the chibi economic model. However at first, only ethereum based wallets will be viable.

Thus having a web3 provider such as MetaMask will be ideal. It can be downloaded HERE and should auto detect which browser you are using. metamask is solid, secure, and been developed for quite some time. We also suggest using a web3 enabled browser such as OperaGX or Brave.

Chibi Fiefdom HQ


Our first major model will be “Fiefdoms”. Fiefdoms will be purchasable Assets via a Smart Contract. Initially there will be Five Unique Fiefdom areas that players can both purchase and participate in. Fiefdoms will be auctioned at a set price, and then all additional value generated will go towards improving the chibi game itself. So for example, say we auction a Fiefdom starting at 2 ETH, that is the base cost, then by auction it sells for 3.5 ETH. The 1.5 ETH then becomes profit generated, and the 2ETH will be considered the Fiefdom token’s base value for which it can always be sold back to CHIBIS global and then re-auctioned. Additionally, Fiefdom owners will have various options as land owners, such as the ability to mortgage their land with a re-purchase option within 29 days of said auction.

Fiefdom utility will be great. Each Fiefdom will have a subscription service that lasts for 30 days for non-fief owners. Fiefdoms will provide unique benefits to the residents therein — unique weapon, armor and gear drops as well as crafting valuables and other unique items. Categories will not be unique to any specific fiefdom, but unique versions of these things will be. Additionally, Fiefdoms can be upgraded and tended to by both Fiefdom owners, and councils of residing Chibis.

*Chibi players can align themselves with a Fiefdom once every 30 days, and can then benefit therein of all that Fiefdom has to offer.

Chibi Fiefdom HQ

OpenSea and NFT Markets

For those familiar with crypto assets markets, we will be using the primo de facto market: OpenSea. Here we will manage the sales of our tokens, and utilize it as the player trade market. If you are not yet familiar with OpenSea, check out this article on using OpenSea HERE. With our devs having a long and wonderful history with the OpenSea admin and community you will find it very easy to buy, sell and trade Chibi Assets via their market. In time we will also be working towards having an in-game portal directly to their services for ease of use.

*We are currently considering using a game environment that has an off-mainchain environment, with the ability to forge your assets on and off the main chain as desired. This will help offset various costs to both the game and the players as well allowing you to market only your most valuable assets as needed.

Fiefdoms will generate unique assets that only each specificl fiefdom can generate. As such, players will need to trade between fiefdom residents creating an import/export trade paradigm. Each month the rewrds generated per Fiefdom will switch and have an annual cycle. This means to get what a fiefdom offers say in the month of december in one year, may not return until may of the following year (each month is random throughout a given year).

Raid Bosses and their Minions

Raid Bosses and their Minions

Before there was Fiefdom HQs or even Fiefdoms in and of themselves, there were the castles of the minions of Entropy. It was the discovery of these wicked beings that the Great Philosopher Chibi called the people of Chibi Land together for the first time. In order to discover their truth, the chibis discovered they must first overcome these beings — they prevent them from journeying beyond chibi land and bringing their cuteness into the world and overcoming evil for once and for all.

Each Fiefdom was then built around these enemy strongholds. Each real time week, mini-bosses will appear and yield key items that will unlock access to that fiefdoms’ stronghold — allowing players to take on the raid boss of that Fiefdom. Regardless, if a fiefdom does not unlock a stonghold in any given week cycle, the Raid Boss of the Stronghold will make an appearance at least once a month, to taunt and scare all the little chibis and claim this land theirs. Each Stronghold houses a unique Raid Boss, meaning that at launch at least 5 unique raid bosses will exist.

Chibis Explore

As you explore the world of the chibiverse, you will find NPCs who will help you and the chibi community with your adventure. Engaging the various npcs will yield both unique items and important clues as to how to defeat these champions of entropy and release Chibi Land from the forces of evil.


Throughout your journey through the chibiverse you may also come across items such as gold, silver and bronze coins. These may be used as an in-game currency of sort and may turn into an off-chain coin of sorts with its own economic model on the blockchain. We will continue to dabble as other games we have been a part of already established similar models and coins on the blockchain.

Delving deeper into the dungeons scattered around chibi land — players will be able to discover unique gear and resources to utilize in their theorycrafting builds. Not all items will be available ingame, nor via packs and loot boxes. Thus a player economy of “play-to-win” will be ensured. Given the cute and fun nature of Chibis, we have decided to avoid play-to-win mechanics. Thus players will be able to engage multiple avenues of acquisition of necessary resources to achieve the goals set forth.

Pre-sale and Fundraising

Prior to a public launch, Chibis Global will have both a Kickstarter like campaign and a pre-sale of asset packs as well as an airdrop (look to future articles on how to participate). Pre-sale Founder Packs and Launch Excelsior Packs will be available to be purchased at given marketing dates (to be announced). Packs will possess a variety of chibis, skills, gear and resources that will be unique to their packs (meaning most content of these packs will not be found in future pack series) and will be limited in volume.

Additionally, Founders Packs will possess early access keys, based on a randomized rarity of Founder Tokens. Excelsior packs will be more focused on in-game beneficiary items such as resources, gear, etc. Genesis items will have specialized functions that will not be found in future sets. Founders packs will have a higher chance of a genesis related item, yet Excelsior packs will also have a chance, slightly lower, yet still a chance to receive genesis related materials as well.

Vanity Items and Apparel

As is true to the Chibiverse over the last few decades, Chibis have largely been used for their cuteness just as much as their battle prowess. As such, we understand the need for cute and therefor will be providing an ever increasing collection of vanity items throughout the life of the Chibi Verse. Hopefully though, you won’t get too distracted by their cuteness and remember to venture forth!

Vanity items will have zero impact on the gameplay, and will be strictly for your own personal enjoyment. Once multiplayer is activated, players will also be able to see others vanity visual items, thus increasing the visibility of said items. This can also lead to it’s own economic model, as many vanity items may be time limited, or of incredible rarity, thus making it valuable to whomever enjoys it most. We expect the vanity economic model to help offset server costs, so please do feel free to enjoy your chibi community as much as possible!


As the chibis break free from chibi land, they will need to not just use their own inspired skills, but seek out other cultures of Chibis and free them from their dark, corporate overlords. Each of the following chibi communities are being considered, or sought after to have future collaborative events in Chibis Global:

  1. Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy World (All Rights Reserved)

2. Star Wars Franchise

Star Wars Chibi (All Rights Reserved)

3. Dragon Quest Series

Dragon Quest Chibis (Courtesy of

4. Sailor Moon Series

Sailor Moon Chibi (All rights reserved)

5. Disney

Disney Chibis (Courtesy of Amino Apps)

6. Marvel Universe

Marvel Universe Chibis (Courtesy Derek L — Gameover)

7. DC Comics

DC Comics Chibis (All rights reserved)

8. Garbage Pail Kids (GPK — Topps)

Garbage Pail Kids (All Rights Reserved)

9. Mega Man Universe

Mega Man Universe Chibis (Courtesy of Sandra R.)

And last, but definitely not least….

Gundam Wing (All Rights Reserved)

10. Gundam Wing Chibis

Each of these IP’s have been picked carefully with many considerations. There are also dozens of other communities we can network with, so if you have any ideas, suggestions or connections — please feel free to reach out.

Disclaimer: This is not an announcement of any strategic partnerships or other forms of sponsorship, rather it is a discussion piece on the top 10 currently sought after collaborations for Chibis Global.

Battle Systems

Chibis Global will incorporate a variety of classic and modern systems to generate a new, authentic combat experience. It is our intent to emulate and custom design a battle system similar to the ones used in Star Ocean over the years. You can read more about some of the mechanics HERE. (Yes that means a shift to a more JRPG styled fighting system, though plans for an idle fighter also are on the table). Here is a scene from an early year Star Ocean game that highlights individual unit ai in an active combat scene:

Obviously, the graphics will be modernized, as this is from over two decades ago. The system itself however, is far advanced for its time, even today barely anything can hold a candle to systems similar to that found in games such as star ocean.

What the future may hold — 3D

Skullboy, Male, and Female Models

Thats right! On top of all the exciting news so far, Chibis Global will be heading towards a 3d Chibi Sandbox World! Imagine a world where all your favorite Chibis and things can be interacted with, both in 3D, and eventually virtual Box!!! Being able to build your own homes and even chibi cities for your community and friends to collab on, to face adventures and enemies far beyond what any chibi game has ever provided before. That is the ultimate goal of Chibis Global — to bring you and your chibis into a world that can be customized and interacted with.

That about wraps it up for today’s big announcement! I hope you are as excited as we are here at the studios putting this masterpiece together to enjoy!

The Great Philosopher Chibi wishes you well. Until next time, may your dreams be filed with hopes and joys of Chibis everywhere, and to the Great Arrow in the Sky — May all your questions be answered ~~

The Great Arrow in the Sky

May it show you the Way!!!

Chibis Global will be part of a series of game releases from a studio composed of well known and experienced game designers, developers, and administrators. If you believe you have talent or skills you would like to offer, Chibis Global will be releasing a junior design and development program where persons with little real world experience can come and join a team of professionals and help build chibis global (and their resume!!)

  • The information here can be changed at any given time, as the game is in an early build, pre-alpha release stage.

Stay tuned for more information, including social contacts, outlets and updated news and info! Until then, Chibi on!!!

